Seung Han Park
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Room-temperature optical nonlinearities in GaAs
YH Lee, A Chavez-Pirson, SW Koch, HM Gibbs, SH Park, J Morhange, ...
Physical review letters 57 (19), 2446, 1986
Waveguide writing in chalcogenide glasses by a train of femtosecond laser pulses
OM Efimov, LB Glebov, KA Richardson, E Van Stryland, T Cardinal, ...
Optical Materials 17 (3), 379-386, 2001
Size-dependent surface phonon mode of CdSe quantum dots
YN Hwang, SH Park, D Kim
Physical Review B 59 (11), 7285, 1999
Measurements of room‐temperature band‐gap‐resonant optical nonlinearities of GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells and bulk GaAs
SH Park, JF Morhange, AD Jeffery, RA Morgan, A Chavez‐Pirson, ...
Applied physics letters 52 (15), 1201-1203, 1988
Influence of structural disorder and light coupling on the excitonic response of semiconductor microcavities
C Ell, J Prineas, TR Nelson Jr, S Park, HM Gibbs, G Khitrova, SW Koch, ...
Physical review letters 80 (21), 4795, 1998
Nonlinear optical properties of quantum-confined CdSe microcrystallites
SH Park, RA Morgan, YZ Hu, M Lindberg, SW Koch, N Peyghambarian
JOSA B 7 (10), 2097-2105, 1990
Synthesis of Si nanosheets by a chemical vapor deposition process and their blue emissions
U Kim, I Kim, Y Park, KY Lee, SY Yim, JG Park, HG Ahn, SH Park, HJ Choi
Acs Nano 5 (3), 2176-2181, 2011
Effect of lattice contraction on the Raman shifts of CdSe quantum dots in glass matrices
YN Hwang, S Shin, HL Park, SH Park, U Kim, HS Jeong, E Shin, D Kim
Physical Review B 54 (21), 15120, 1996
Room‐temperature excitonic optical nonlinearities of molecular beam epitaxially grown ZnSe thin films
N Peyghambarian, SH Park, SW Koch, A Jeffery, JE Potts, H Cheng
Applied physics letters 52 (3), 182-184, 1988
Measurement of photoneutron spectrum at Pohang Neutron Facility
GN Kim, V Kovalchuk, YS Lee, V Skoy, MH Cho, IS Ko, W Namkung, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2002
Various quantum-and nano-structures by III–V droplet epitaxy on GaAs substrates
JH Lee, ZM Wang, ES Kim, NY Kim, SH Park, GJ Salamo
Nanoscale research letters 5, 308-314, 2010
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res
K Lee, J Mun, SH Park, KH Jang
Sect. A 545, 480, 2005
Phase-shifting lateral shearing interferometer with two pairs of wedge plates
HH Lee, JH You, SH Park
Optics letters 28 (22), 2243-2245, 2003
Numerical analysis of an annular-aperture solid immersion lens
C Liu, SH Park
Optics letters 29 (15), 1742-1744, 2004
Bulk switching instrumentation amplifier for a high-impedance source in neural signal recording
M Han, B Kim, YA Chen, H Lee, SH Park, E Cheong, J Hong, G Han, ...
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 62 (2), 194-198, 2014
Nonlinear emission dynamics from semiconductor microcavities in the nonperturbative regime
O Lyngnes, JD Berger, JP Prineas, S Park, G Khitrova, HM Gibbs, ...
Solid state communications 104 (5), 297-300, 1997
Measurement of free-carrier nonlinearities in ZnSe based on the Z-scan technique with a nanosecond laser
KH Lee, WR Cho, JH Park, JS Kim, SH Park, U Kim
Optics letters 19 (15), 1116-1118, 1994
Coupling of semiconductor nanowires with neurons and their interfacial structure
KY Lee, S Shim, IS Kim, H Oh, S Kim, JP Ahn, SH Park, H Rhim, HJ Choi
Nanoscale Research Letters 5, 410-415, 2010
Experimental studies of the non-linear optical properties of cadmium selenide quantum-confined microcrystallites
RA Morgan, SH Park, SW Koch, N Peyghambarian
Semiconductor science and technology 5 (6), 544, 1990
Nonlinear optical properties of CdSe quantum dots
SH Park, MP Casey, J Falk
Journal of applied physics 73 (12), 8041-8045, 1993
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