Arthur de Fouchier
Arthur de Fouchier
EERI, IEES-Paris, Sorbonne Université
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Cited by
Functional evolution of Lepidoptera olfactory receptors revealed by deorphanization of a moth repertoire
A de Fouchier, WB Walker III, N Montagné, C Steiner, M Binyameen, ...
Nature communications 8, 15709, 2017
Functional characterization of a sex pheromone receptor in the pest moth Spodoptera littoralis by heterologous expression in Drosophila
N Montagné, T Chertemps, I Brigaud, A François, MC François, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 36 (5), 2588-2596, 2012
Advances in the Identification and Characterization of Olfactory Receptors in Insects
N Montagné, A de Fouchier, RD Newcomb, E Jacquin-Joly
Progress in molecular biology and translational science 130, 55-80, 2015
A novel lineage of candidate pheromone receptors for sex communication in moths
L Bastin-Héline, A De Fouchier, S Cao, F Koutroumpa, G Caballero-Vidal, ...
Elife 8, e49826, 2019
Evolution of two receptors detecting the same pheromone compound in crop pest moths of the genus Spodoptera
A de Fouchier, X Sun, C Monsempes, O Mirabeau, E Jacquin-Joly, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3, 95, 2015
Behavioral effect of plant volatiles binding to Spodoptera littoralis larval odorant receptors
A de Fouchier, X Sun, G Caballero-Vidal, S Travaillard, E Jacquin-Joly, ...
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 12, 264, 2018
A conserved odorant receptor detects the same 1-indanone analogs in a tortricid and a noctuid moth
F Gonzalez, JM Bengtsson, WB Walker, MFR Sousa, AM Cattaneo, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3, 131, 2015
The Bellerophon pipeline, improving de novo transcriptomes and removing chimeras
J Kerkvliet, A de Fouchier, M van Wijk, AT Groot
Ecology and Evolution 9 (18), 10513-10521, 2019
Current views on the function and evolution of olfactory receptors in Lepidoptera
A de Fouchier, N Montagné, O Mirabeau, E Jacquin-Joly
Short Views on Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1, 385-408, 2014
Discrimination of non-nestmate early brood in ants: behavioural and chemical analyses
A de Fouchier, C Leroy, A Khila, P d'Ettorre
Animal Behaviour 197, 81-95, 2023
Lipases and carboxylesterases affect moth sex pheromone compounds involved in interspecific mate recognition
A de Fouchier, E Fruitet, R Lievers, P Kuperus, J Emerson, F Gould, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 7505, 2023
Lipases and carboxylesterases are involved in interspecific pheromone differences between two moth species
A de Fouchier, E Fruitet, R Lievers, P Kuperus, J Emerson, F Gould, ...
Caractérisation fonctionnelle des récepteurs chimiosensoriels de la noctuelle du coton: vers le développement d’approches novatrices en protection des cultures
A de Fouchier
ABIES - AgrosParisTech, 2015
Nestmate recognition of early brood in ants
A de Fouchier, C Leroy, A Khila, P d'Ettorre
bioRxiv, 2021
Pheromonal receptor of spodoptera littoralis and identification of natural ligand of said receptor and uses thereof
E Jacquin-Joly, A De Fouchier, N Montagne
US Patent App. 16/087,312, 2019
Insect olfactory receptors: possible targets for new biocontrol strategies.
A Fouchier, W Walker, M Binyameen, F Koutroumpa, C Meslin, ...
Functional, molecular, and evolutionary aspects of lepidopteran host plant olfaction
M Larsson, A de Fouchier, N Montagné, WB Walker, C Steiner, ...
2016 International Congress of Entomology, 2016
Molecular mechanisms of olfactory detection in Spodoptera littoralis: Deorphanization of odorant receptors via the Drosophila empty neuron system
WB Walker, M Binyameen, A De Fouchier, C Steiner, C Monsempes, ...
Chemical Senses 39 (1), 2014
Expression du système endothéline dans la muqueuse et le bulbe olfactif et effet sur la prolifération de cultures primaires de muqueuse olfactive
A de Fouchier
Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), Versailles, FRA., 2010
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Articles 1–19