Monise Helen Masuchi Buscato
Monise Helen Masuchi Buscato
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Crystallization modifiers in lipid systems
APB Ribeiro, MH Masuchi, EK Miyasaki, MAF Domingues, VLZ Stroppa, ...
Journal of food science and technology 52, 3925-3946, 2015
Tripalmitin and monoacylglycerols as modifiers in the crystallisation of palm oil
RC Basso, APB Ribeiro, MH Masuchi, LA Gioielli, LAG Gonçalves, ...
Food chemistry 122 (4), 1185-1192, 2010
Quantificação de TBHQ (terc butil hidroquinona) e avaliação da estabilidade oxidativa em óleos de girassol comerciais
MH Masuchi, RMS Celeghini, LAG Gonçalves, R Grimaldi
Química nova 31, 1053-1057, 2008
Delaying fat bloom formation in dark chocolate by adding sorbitan monostearate or cocoa butter stearin
MHM Buscato, LM Hara, ÉC Bonomi, G de Andrade Calligaris, ...
Food Chemistry 256, 390-396, 2018
Fats from chemically interesterified high-oleic sunflower oil and fully hydrogenated palm oil
MH Masuchi, KM Gandra, AL Marangoni, C de Sá Perenha, MC Chiu, ...
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 91, 859-866, 2014
Effects of sorbitan monostearate and monooleate on the crystallization and consistency behaviors of cocoa butter
MH Masuchi, R Grimaldi, TG Kieckbusch
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 91, 1111-1120, 2014
Structuration of lipid bases with fully hydrogenated crambe oil and sorbitan monostearate for obtaining zero-trans/low sat fats
MA Stahl, MHM Buscato, R Grimaldi, LP Cardoso, APB Ribeiro
Food research international 107, 61-72, 2018
Crystallization of low saturated lipid blends of palm and canola oils with sorbitan monostearate and fully hydrogenated palm oil
KM Barbosa, LP Cardoso, APB Ribeiro, TG Kieckbusch, MHM Buscato
Journal of food science and technology 55, 1104-1115, 2018
Furan fatty acids in enriched ω-3 fish oil: Oxidation kinetics with and without added monomethyl furan fatty acid as potential natural antioxidant
MHM Buscato, F Müller, W Vetter, J Weiss, H Salminen
Food chemistry 327, 127087, 2020
Cocoa butter symmetrical monounsaturated triacylglycerols: separation by solvent fractionation and application as crystallization modifier
MHM Buscato, R Grimaldi, TG Kieckbusch
Journal of food science and technology 54, 3260-3267, 2017
Low sat-structured fats enriched in α-linolenic acid: physicochemical properties and crystallization characteristics
MA Stahl, MHM Buscato, R Grimaldi, LP Cardoso, APB Ribeiro
Journal of food science and technology 54, 3391-3403, 2017
Dispersed free phytosterols as structuring agents in lipid systems with reduced saturated fat
KRR Godoi, RC Basso, MHM Buscato, LP Cardoso, TG Kieckbusch, ...
Grasas y aceites 68 (4), e217-e217, 2017
Interesterificação química de óleo de soja e óleo de soja totalmente hidrogenado: influência do tempo de reação
APB Ribeiro, MH Masuchi, R Grimaldi, LAG Gonçalves
Química Nova 32, 939-945, 2009
Modification of palm oil crystallization by phytosterol addition as a tool for structuring a low saturated lipid blend
MHM Buscato, BG Zaia, KRR Godoi, APB Ribeiro, TG Kieckbusch
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 35, 169-180, 2018
Chemical interesterification of soybean oil and fully hydrogenated soybean oil: Influence of the reaction time
APB Ribeiro, MH Masuchi, R Grimaldi, LAG Gonçalves
Química Nova 32, 939-945, 2009
Quantification of TBHQ (terc butyl hydroquinone) and oxidative stability evaluation of commercial sunflower oils
MH Masuchi, RMS Celeghini, LAG Gonçalves, R Grimaldi
Química Nova 31, 1053-1057, 2008
DSC application to lipid modification processes
GM De Oliveira, MH Masuchi, RC Basso, VL Zuliani Stroppa, APB Ribeiro, ...
Differential Scanning Calorimetry: Applications in Fat and Oil Technology, 221, 2014
Stability and digestibility of protection and delivery systems based on emulsions: effect of bioactive-emulsifiers-oil interactions= Estabilidade e digestibilidade de sistemas …
AG Brunassi
[sn], 2019
Effect of Sorbitan Monoesters Addition on the Crystallization and Polymorphic Behavior of Cocoa Butter
MH Masuchi, R Grimaldi, TG Kieckbusch
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Articles 1–19