Laurent Doyen
Laurent Doyen
CNRS - LMF, ENS Paris-Saclay
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Quantitative languages
K Chatterjee, L Doyen, TA Henzinger
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 11 (4), 1-38, 2010
Algorithms for omega-regular games with imperfect information
K Chatterjee, L Doyen, TA Henzinger, JF Raskin
Logical Methods in Computer Science 3, 2007
Antichains: A new algorithm for checking universality of finite automata
M De Wulf, L Doyen, TA Henzinger, JF Raskin
Computer Aided Verification: 18th International Conference, CAV 2006 …, 2006
Energy parity games
K Chatterjee, L Doyen
Theoretical Computer Science 458, 49-60, 2012
Generalized mean-payoff and energy games
K Chatterjee, L Doyen, TA Henzinger, JF Raskin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1007.1669, 2010
Faster algorithms for mean-payoff games
L Brim, J Chaloupka, L Doyen, R Gentilini, JF Raskin
Formal methods in system design 38, 97-118, 2011
The complexity of multi-mean-payoff and multi-energy games
Y Velner, K Chatterjee, L Doyen, TA Henzinger, A Rabinovich, JF Raskin
Information and Computation 241, 177-196, 2015
The complexity of multi-mean-payoff and multi-energy games
Y Velner, K Chatterjee, L Doyen, TA Henzinger, A Rabinovich, JF Raskin
Information and Computation 241, 177-196, 2015
Expressiveness and closure properties for quantitative languages
K Chatterjee, L Doyen, TA Henzinger
Logical Methods in Computer Science 6, 2010
Interface theories with component reuse
L Doyen, TA Henzinger, B Jobstmann, T Petrov
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international conference on Embedded software, 79-88, 2008
Energy and mean-payoff games with imperfect information
A Degorre, L Doyen, R Gentilini, JF Raskin, S Toruńczyk
Computer Science Logic: 24th International Workshop, CSL 2010, 19th Annual …, 2010
Antichain algorithms for finite automata
L Doyen, JF Raskin
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 16th …, 2010
Almost ASAP semantics: From timed models to timed implementations
M De Wulf, L Doyen, JF Raskin
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control: 7th International Workshop, HSCC …, 2004
Verification of hybrid systems
L Doyen, G Frehse, GJ Pappas, A Platzer
Handbook of Model Checking, 1047-1110, 2018
Robust safety of timed automata
M De Wulf, L Doyen, N Markey, JF Raskin
Formal Methods in System Design 33 (1-3), 45-84, 2008
Robust safety of timed automata
M De Wulf, L Doyen, N Markey, JF Raskin
Formal Methods in System Design 33 (1-3), 45-84, 2008
Antichains: Alternative algorithms for LTL satisfiability and model-checking
M De Wulf, L Doyen, N Maquet, JF Raskin
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 14th …, 2008
Robustness and implementability of timed automata
M De Wulf, L Doyen, N Markey, JF Raskin
FORMATS/FTRTFT 3253, 118-133, 2004
Partial-observation stochastic games: How to win when belief fails
K Chatterjee, L Doyen
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 15 (2), 1-44, 2014
A lattice theory for solving games of imperfect information
M De Wulf, L Doyen, JF Raskin
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control: 9th International Workshop, HSCC …, 2006
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Articles 1–20