Jorge A Piedrahita
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Spontaneous hypercholesterolemia and arterial lesions in mice lacking apolipoprotein E
SH Zhang, RL Reddick, JA Piedrahita, N Maeda
Science 258 (5081), 468-471, 1992
Generation of mice carrying a mutant apolipoprotein E gene inactivated by gene targeting in embryonic stem cells.
JA Piedrahita, SH Zhang, JR Hagaman, PM Oliver, N Maeda
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 89 (10), 4471-4475, 1992
Errors in development of fetuses and placentas from in vitro-produced bovine embryos
PW Farin, JA Piedrahita, CE Farin
Theriogenology 65 (1), 178-191, 2006
Mice lacking the folic acid-binding protein Folbp1 are defective in early embryonic development
JA Piedrahita, B Oetama, GD Bennett, J Van Waes, BA Kamen, ...
Nature genetics 23 (2), 228-232, 1999
On the isolation of embryonic stem cells: Comparative behavior of murine, porcine and ovine embryos
JA Piedrahita, GB Anderson, RH Bondurant
Theriogenology 34 (5), 879-901, 1990
A Highly Efficient Method for Porcine Cloning by Nuclear Transfer Using In Vitro-Matured Oocytes
SC Walker, T Shin, GM Zaunbrecher, JE Romano, GA Johnson, FW Bazer, ...
Cloning & Stem Cells 4 (2), 105-112, 2002
Generation of transgenic porcine chimeras using primordial germ cell-derived colonies
JA Piedrahita, K Moore, B Oetama, C Lee, N Scales, J Ramsoondar, ...
Biology of reproduction 58 (5), 1321-1329, 1998
Influence of feeder layer type on the efficiency of isolation of porcine embryo-derived cell lines
JA Piedrahita, GB Anderson, RH Bondurant
Theriogenology 34 (5), 865-877, 1990
Cell lineage identification and stem cell culture in a porcine model for the study of intestinal epithelial regeneration
LM Gonzalez, I Williamson, JA Piedrahita, AT Blikslager, ST Magness
PloS one 8 (6), e66465, 2013
Stable Transfection of the BovineNRAMP1 Gene into Murine RAW264.7 Cells: Effect onBrucella abortus Survival
R Barthel, J Feng, JA Piedrahita, DN McMurray, JW Templeton, ...
Infection and immunity 69 (5), 3110-3119, 2001
The role of imprinted genes in fetal growth abnormalities
JA Piedrahita
Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology 91 (8), 682-692, 2011
Cells and methods for the generation of transgenic pigs
JA Piedrahita, FW Bazer
US Patent 6,271,436, 2001
Annotation of the Affymetrix.
S Tsai, JP Cassady, BA Freking, DJ Nonneman, GA Rohrer, JA Piedrahita
Animal genetics 37 (4), 2006
Epigenetic and Genomic Imprinting Analysis in Nuclear Transfer Derived Bos gaurus/Bos taurus Hybrid Fetuses
SV Dindot, PW Farin, CE Farin, J Romano, S Walker, C Long, ...
Biology of reproduction 71 (2), 470-478, 2004
Development of fetuses from in vitro–produced and cloned bovine embryos
CE Farin, PW Farin, JA Piedrahita
Journal of animal science 82 (suppl_13), E53-E62, 2004
Transcriptional profiling of human placentas from pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia reveals disregulation of sialic acid acetylesterase and immune signalling pathways
S Tsai, NE Hardison, AH James, AA Motsinger-Reif, SR Bischoff, ...
Placenta 32 (2), 175-182, 2011
Hierarchical phenotypic and epigenetic variation in cloned swine
GS Archer, S Dindot, TH Friend, S Walker, G Zaunbrecher, B Lawhorn, ...
Biology of reproduction 69 (2), 430-436, 2003
Neural tube and craniofacial defects with special emphasis on folate pathway genes
RH Finnell, KA Greer, RC Barber, JA Piedrahita, GM Shaw, EJ Lammer
Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & Medicine 9 (1), 38-53, 1998
Conservation of genomic imprinting at the XIST, IGF2, and GTL2 loci in the bovine
SV Dindot, KC Kent, B Evers, N Loskutoff, J Womack, JA Piedrahita
Mammalian genome 15, 966-974, 2004
Characterization of conserved and nonconserved imprinted genes in swine
SR Bischoff, S Tsai, N Hardison, AA Motsinger-Reif, BA Freking, ...
Biology of reproduction 81 (5), 906-920, 2009
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Articles 1–20