Klaus Jonas
Klaus Jonas
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W Stroebe
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1978
An introduction to social psychology
M Hewstone, W Stroebe, K Jonas
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
Effects of attitudinal ambivalence on information processing and attitude-intention consistency
K Jonas, M Diehl, P Brömer
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 33 (2), 190-210, 1997
How do transformational leaders foster positive employee outcomes? A self‐determination‐based analysis of employees' needs as mediating links
S Kovjanic, SC Schuh, K Jonas, NV Quaquebeke, R Van Dick
Journal of Organizational Behavior 33 (8), 1031-1052, 2012
Transformational leadership and performance: An experimental investigation of the mediating effects of basic needs satisfaction and work engagement
S Kovjanic, SC Schuh, K Jonas
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 86 (4), 543-555, 2013
Give a person power and he or she will show interpersonal sensitivity: the phenomenon and its why and when.
M Schmid Mast, K Jonas, JA Hall
Journal of personality and social psychology 97 (5), 835, 2009
Attitudinal ambivalence
K Jonas, P Broemer, M Diehl
European review of social psychology 11 (1), 35-74, 2000
Careless responding in questionnaire measures: Detection, impact, and remedies
P Goldammer, H Annen, PL Stöckli, K Jonas
The Leadership Quarterly 31 (4), 101384, 2020
Influence of student exchange on national stereotypes, attitudes and perceived group variability
C Stangor, K Jonas, W Stroebe, M Hewstone
European Journal of Social Psychology 26 (4), 663-675, 1996
The impact of food‐related values on food purchase behavior and the mediating role of attitudes: A swiss study
M Hauser, FW Nussbeck, K Jonas
Psychology & Marketing 30 (9), 765-778, 2013
Modelling and suicide: a test of the Werther effect
K Jonas
British Journal of Social Psychology 31 (4), 295-306, 1992
Die sozial-kognitive Theorie von Bandura
K Jonas, P Brömer, D Frey
Huber, 2002
Eine kritische Bewertung der Theorie überlegten Handelns und der Theorie geplanten Verhaltens
K Jonas, J Doll
Zeitschrift für sozialpsychologie 27 (1), 18-31, 1996
What drives people to carpool? Explaining carpooling intention from the perspectives of carpooling passengers and drivers
F Bachmann, A Hanimann, J Artho, K Jonas
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 59, 260-268, 2018
Einstellungen: Inhalt, Struktur und Funktionen
K Jonas, W Stroebe, M Hewstone, G Haddock, GR Maio
Sozialpsychologie: Eine Einführung, 187-223, 2007
Familiarity may breed contempt: The impact of student exchange on national stereotypes and attitudes
W Stroebe, A Lenkert, K Jonas
The social psychology of intergroup conflict: Theory, research and …, 1988
Fostering team innovation and learning by means of team‐centric transformational leadership: The role of teamwork quality
A Klaic, MJ Burtscher, K Jonas
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 93 (4), 942-966, 2020
Amerikaner über Deutschland und die Deutschen: Urteile und Vorurteile
KH Stapf, W Stroebe, K Jonas
Springer-Verlag, 2013
Influence of fair and supportive leadership behavior on commitment and organizational citizenship behavior
D Meierhans, B Rietmann, K Jonas
Swiss Journal of Psychology 67 (3), 131-141, 2008
Measuring salient food attitudes and food-related values. An elaborated, conflicting and interdependent system
M Hauser, K Jonas, R Riemann
Appetite 57 (2), 329-338, 2011
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Articles 1–20