Anatoli Polkovnikov
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Cited by
Colloquium: Nonequilibrium dynamics of closed interacting quantum systems
A Polkovnikov, K Sengupta, A Silva, M Vengalattore
Reviews of Modern Physics 83 (3), 863-883, 2011
From quantum chaos and eigenstate thermalization to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics
L D'Alessio, Y Kafri, A Polkovnikov, M Rigol
Advances in Physics 65 (3), 239-362, 2016
Universal high-frequency behavior of periodically driven systems: from dynamical stabilization to Floquet engineering
M Bukov, L D'Alessio, A Polkovnikov
Advances in Physics 64 (2), 139-226, 2015
Dynamical quantum phase transitions in the transverse-field Ising model
M Heyl, A Polkovnikov, S Kehrein
Physical review letters 110 (13), 135704, 2013
Time-resolved observation and control of superexchange interactions with ultracold atoms in optical lattices
S Trotzky, P Cheinet, S Folling, M Feld, U Schnorrberger, AM Rey, ...
Science 319 (5861), 295-299, 2008
Phase space representation of quantum dynamics
A Polkovnikov
Annals of Physics 325 (8), 1790-1852, 2010
Universal adiabatic dynamics in the vicinity of a quantum critical point
A Polkovnikov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (16), 161201, 2005
Raman and photoluminescence studies of biaxial strain in GaN epitaxial layers grown on 6H–SiC
VY Davydov, NS Averkiev, IN Goncharuk, DK Nelson, IP Nikitina, ...
Journal of applied physics 82 (10), 5097-5102, 1997
Reinforcement learning in different phases of quantum control
M Bukov, AGR Day, D Sels, P Weinberg, A Polkovnikov, P Mehta
Physical Review X 8 (3), 031086, 2018
Ergodic dynamics and thermalization in an isolated quantum system
C Neill, P Roushan, M Fang, Y Chen, M Kolodrubetz, Z Chen, A Megrant, ...
Nature Physics 12 (11), 1037-1041, 2016
Geometry and non-adiabatic response in quantum and classical systems
M Kolodrubetz, D Sels, P Mehta, A Polkovnikov
Physics Reports 697, 1-87, 2017
Minimizing irreversible losses in quantum systems by local counterdiabatic driving
D Sels, A Polkovnikov
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (20), E3909-E3916, 2017
Many-body energy localization transition in periodically driven systems
L D’Alessio, A Polkovnikov
Annals of Physics 333, 19-33, 2013
Breakdown of the adiabatic limit in low-dimensional gapless systems
A Polkovnikov, V Gritsev
Nature Physics 4 (6), 477-481, 2008
Quench dynamics near a quantum critical point
C De Grandi, V Gritsev, A Polkovnikov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (1), 012303, 2010
Observation of topological transitions in interacting quantum circuits
P Roushan, C Neill, Y Chen, M Kolodrubetz, C Quintana, N Leung, ...
Nature 515 (7526), 241-244, 2014
Microscopic diagonal entropy and its connection to basic thermodynamic relations
A Polkovnikov
Annals of Physics 326 (2), 486-499, 2011
Interference between independent fluctuating condensates
A Polkovnikov, E Altman, E Demler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (16), 6125-6129, 2006
Schrieffer-Wolff transformation for periodically driven systems: Strongly correlated systems with artificial gauge fields
M Bukov, M Kolodrubetz, A Polkovnikov
Physical review letters 116 (12), 125301, 2016
Dynamical obstruction to localization in a disordered spin chain
D Sels, A Polkovnikov
Physical Review E 104 (5), 054105, 2021
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Articles 1–20