Hong Zeng
Hong Zeng
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EEG classification of driver mental states by deep learning
H Zeng, C Yang, G Dai, F Qin, J Zhang, W Kong
Cognitive neurodynamics 12, 597-606, 2018
EEG-based emotion recognition using 4D convolutional recurrent neural network
F Shen, G Dai, G Lin, J Zhang, W Kong, H Zeng
Cognitive Neurodynamics 14, 815-828, 2020
ComplexContact: a web server for inter-protein contact prediction using deep learning
H Zeng, S Wang, T Zhou, F Zhao, X Li, Q Wu, J Xu
Nucleic acids research 46 (W1), W432-W437, 2018
A LightGBM‐based EEG analysis method for driver mental states classification
H Zeng, C Yang, H Zhang, Z Wu, J Zhang, G Dai, F Babiloni, W Kong
Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2019 (1), 3761203, 2019
EEG emotion classification using an improved SincNet-based deep learning model
H Zeng, Z Wu, J Zhang, C Yang, H Zhang, G Dai, W Kong
Brain sciences 9 (11), 326, 2019
An EEG-based transfer learning method for cross-subject fatigue mental state prediction
H Zeng, X Li, G Borghini, Y Zhao, P Aricò, G Di Flumeri, N Sciaraffa, ...
Sensors 21 (7), 2369, 2021
Fuzzy control of LED tunnel lighting and energy conservation
H Zeng, J Qiu, X Shen, G Dai, P Liu, S Le
Tsinghua science & technology 16 (6), 576-582, 2011
Siam-GCAN: A Siamese graph convolutional attention network for EEG emotion recognition
H Zeng, Q Wu, Y Jin, H Zheng, M Li, Y Zhao, H Hu, W Kong
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-9, 2022
EESCN: A novel spiking neural network method for EEG-based emotion recognition
FF Xu, D Pan, H Zheng, Y Ouyang, Z Jia, H Zeng
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 243, 107927, 2024
MSFR-GCN: A multi-scale feature reconstruction graph convolutional network for EEG emotion and cognition recognition
D Pan, H Zheng, F Xu, Y Ouyang, Z Jia, C Wang, H Zeng
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2023
InstanceEasyTL: An improved transfer-learning method for EEG-based cross-subject fatigue detection
H Zeng, J Zhang, W Zakaria, F Babiloni, B Gianluca, X Li, W Kong
Sensors 20 (24), 7251, 2020
Weighted extreme learning machine for P300 detection with application to brain computer interface
W Kong, S Guo, Y Long, Y Peng, H Zeng, X Zhang, J Zhang
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-11, 2023
EEG-based index for timely detecting user’s drowsiness occurrence in automotive applications
G Di Flumeri, V Ronca, A Giorgi, A Vozzi, P Aricò, N Sciaraffa, H Zeng, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16, 866118, 2022
A Novel Nonlinear Dynamic Method for Stroke Rehabilitation Effect Evaluation Using EEG
WL Zeng Hong, Dai Guojun, Kong Wanzeng, Chen Fangyue
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 25 (12 …, 2017
DM-RE2I: A framework based on diffusion model for the reconstruction from EEG to image
H Zeng, N Xia, D Qian, M Hattori, C Wang, W Kong
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86, 105125, 2023
Label-based alignment multi-source domain adaptation for cross-subject EEG fatigue mental state evaluation
Y Zhao, G Dai, G Borghini, J Zhang, X Li, Z Zhang, P Aricò, G Di Flumeri, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15, 706270, 2021
DCAE: A dual conditional autoencoder framework for the reconstruction from EEG into image
H Zeng, N Xia, M Tao, D Pan, H Zheng, C Wang, F Xu, W Zakaria, G Dai
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 81, 104440, 2023
A web-based protocol for interprotein contact prediction by deep learning
X Jing, H Zeng, S Wang, J Xu
Protein-Protein Interaction Networks: Methods and Protocols, 67-80, 2020
EMCI: a novel EEG-based mental workload assessment index of mild cognitive impairment
H Zeng, X Fang, Y Zhao, J Wu, M Li, H Zheng, F Xu, D Pan, G Dai
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 16 (5), 902-914, 2022
EEG-FCV: an EEG-based functional connectivity visualization framework for cognitive state evaluation
H Zeng, Y Jin, Q Wu, D Pan, F Xu, Y Zhao, H Hu, W Kong
Frontiers in Psychiatry 13, 928781, 2022
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Articles 1–20