Suzanne J Carroll
Suzanne J Carroll
Senior Research Fellow, Health Research Institute, University of Canberra
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Sex‐specific correlates of adult physical activity in an A ustralian rural community
S Carroll, J Dollman, M Daniel
Australian Journal of Rural Health 22 (1), 15-22, 2014
Validation of continuous clinical indices of cardiometabolic risk in a cohort of Australian adults
SJ Carroll, C Paquet, NJ Howard, RJ Adams, AW Taylor, M Daniel
BMC cardiovascular disorders 14, 1-9, 2014
Associations between area socioeconomic status, individual mental health, physical activity, diet and change in cardiometabolic risk amongst a cohort of Australian adults: A …
SJ Carroll, MJ Dale, T Niyonsenga, AW Taylor, M Daniel
PLoS One 15 (5), e0233793, 2020
Does physical activity mediate the associations between local-area descriptive norms, built environment walkability, and glycosylated hemoglobin?
SJ Carroll, T Niyonsenga, NT Coffee, AW Taylor, M Daniel
International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (9), 953, 2017
Local descriptive body weight and dietary norms, food availability, and 10-year change in glycosylated haemoglobin in an Australian population-based biomedical cohort
SJ Carroll, C Paquet, NJ Howard, NT Coffee, RJ Adams, AW Taylor, ...
BMC public health 17, 1-14, 2017
Local descriptive norms for overweight/obesity and physical inactivity, features of the built environment, and 10-year change in glycosylated haemoglobin in an Australian …
SJ Carroll, C Paquet, NJ Howard, NT Coffee, AW Taylor, T Niyonsenga, ...
Social science & medicine 166, 233-243, 2016
Regional differences in correlates of daily walking among middle age and older Australian rural adults: Implications for health promotion
J Dollman, M Hull, N Lewis, S Carroll, D Zarnowiecki
International journal of environmental research and public health 13 (1), 116, 2016
Concurrent assessment of urban environment and cardiometabolic risk over 10 years in a middle‐aged population‐based cohort
M Daniel, SJ Carroll, T Niyonsenga, EJ Piggott, A Taylor, NT Coffee
Geographical research 57 (1), 98-110, 2019
Contributions of multiple built environment features to 10-year change in body mass index and waist circumference in a South Australian middle-aged cohort
SJ Carroll, MJ Dale, AW Taylor, M Daniel
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (3), 870, 2020
Are changes in depressive symptoms, general health and residential area socio-economic status associated with trajectories of waist circumference and body mass index?
T Niyonsenga, SJ Carroll, NT Coffee, AW Taylor, M Daniel
PLoS One 15 (1), e0227029, 2020
Changing primary school children’s engagement in active school travel using safe routes to school interventions: a rapid realist review
TV Vasey, SJ Carroll, M Daniel, M Cargo
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (16), 9976, 2022
Associations between supermarket availability and body size in Australia: a cross-sectional observational study comparing state and territory capital cities
SJ Carroll, G Turrell, MJ Dale, M Daniel
BMC Public Health 21, 1-14, 2021
“Out and proud…. in all your shaking glory” the wellbeing impact of a dance program with public dance performance for people with Parkinson’s disease: a qualitative study
SJ Carroll, MJ Dale, K Bail
Disability and rehabilitation 45 (20), 3272-3283, 2023
Residential location, commute distance, and body size: Cross-sectional observational study of state and territory capital cities in Australia
SJ Carroll, G Turrell, MJ Dale, M Daniel
Journal of Transport & Health 22, 101122, 2021
Residential area and screening venue location features associated with spatial variation in breast cancer screening invitation response rates: an observational study in Greater …
JR Khan, SJ Carroll, M Warner-Smith, D Roder, M Daniel
BMJ open 11 (4), e043853, 2021
Associations between local descriptive norms for overweight/obesity and insufficient fruit intake, individual-level diet, and 10-year change in body mass index and glycosylated …
SJ Carroll, T Niyonsenga, NT Coffee, AW Taylor, M Daniel
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 15, 1-16, 2018
Climatic and community sociodemographic factors associated with remote Indigenous Australian smoking rates: an ecological study of health audit data
SJ Carroll, MJ Dale, R Bailie, M Daniel
BMJ open 9 (7), e032173, 2019
Associations between breast cancer screening participation and residential area sociodemographic features, geographic accessibility, and features of screening venue location in …
JR Khan, SJ Carroll, NT Coffee, M Warner-Smith, D Roder, M Daniel
Preventive Medicine 153, 106774, 2021
Residential area sociodemographic and breast cancer screening venue location built environmental features associated with women’s use of closest Venue in Greater Sydney, Australia
JR Khan, SJ Carroll, NT Coffee, M Warner-Smith, D Roder, M Daniel
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (21), 11277, 2021
The contributions of compositional and contextual features of local residential areas to the evolution of cardiometabolic risk over ten years in a population-based biomedical …
SJ Carroll
Adelaide: University of South Australia, 2017
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Articles 1–20