Stacy Clark
Stacy Clark
USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station
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Composition, structure, and dendroecology of an old-growth Quercus forest on the tablelands of the Cumberland Plateau, USA
JL Hart, SL Clark, SJ Torreano, ML Buchanan
Forest Ecology and Management 266, 11-24, 2012
The silvics of Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh., American chestnut, Fagaceae (beech family)
GG Wang, BO Knapp, SL Clark, BT Mudder
Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-GTR-173. Asheville, NC: US Department of Agriculture …, 2013
Visual grading and quality of 1-0 northern red oak seedlings
SL Clark, SE Schalarbaum, PP Kormanik
Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 24 (2), 93-97, 2000
The influence of silvicultural treatments and site conditions on American chestnut (Castanea dentata) seedling establishment in eastern Kentucky, USA
C Rhoades, D Loftis, J Lewis, S Clark, UF Service
Forest Ecology and Management 258 (7), 1211-1218, 2009
Age estimation of Quercus marilandica and Quercus stellata: applications for interpreting stand dynamics
SL Clark, SW Hallgren
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34 (6), 1353-1358, 2004
Establishment of American chestnuts (Castanea dentata) bred for blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) resistance: influence of breeding and nursery grading
SL Clark, SE Schlarbaum, AM Saxton, FV Hebard
New Forests 47, 243-270, 2016
Dynamics of oak (Quercus marilandica and Q. stellata) reproduction in an old-growth Cross Timbers forest
SL Clark, SW Hallgren
Southeastern Naturalist 2 (4), 559-574, 2003
Reintroduction of American chestnut in the national forest system
SL Clark, SE Schlarbaum, CC Pinchot, SL Anagnostakis, MR Saunders, ...
Journal of Forestry 112 (5), 502-512, 2014
Eight-year blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) resistance of backcross-generation American chestnuts (Castanea dentata) planted in the southeastern United States
SL Clark, SE Schlarbaum, AM Saxton, R Baird
Forest Ecology and Management 433, 153-161, 2019
Canopy accession strategies and climate-growth relationships in Acer rubrum
JL Hart, ML Buchanan, SL Clark, SJ Torreano
Forest Ecology and Management 282, 124-132, 2012
Nursery performance of American and Chinese chestnuts and backcross generations in commercial tree nurseries
SL Clark, SE Schlarbaum, AM Saxton, FV Hebard
Forestry 85 (5), 589-600, 2012
American chestnut growth and survival five years after planting in two silvicultural treatments in the southern Appalachians, USA
S Clark, H McNab, D Loftis, S Zarnoch
Forests 3 (4), 1017-1033, 2012
Long-term drought sensitivity of trees in second-growth forests in a humid region
N Pederson, K Tackett, RW McEwan, S Clark, A Cooper, G Brosi, R Eaton, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42 (10), 1837-1850, 2012
The historic fire regime on the edge of the prairie: a case study from the Cross Timbers of Oklahoma
SL Clark, SW Hallgren, DM Engle, DW Stahle
Proceedings of the Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference 23, 40-49, 2007
Fire in eastern North American oak ecosystems: filling the gaps
JM Varner, MA Arthur, SL Clark, DC Dey, JL Hart, CJ Schweitzer
Fire Ecology 12, 1-6, 2016
Leaf physiology and morphology of Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh., Castanea mollissima Blume, and three backcross breeding generations planted in the …
BO Knapp, GG Wang, SL Clark, LS Pile, SE Schlarbaum
New Forests 45, 283-293, 2014
Fire in eastern hardwood forests through 14,000 years
MA Spetich, RW Perry, CA Harper, SL Clark
Sustaining young forest communities: Ecology and management of early …, 2011
Growth, survival, and competitive ability of chestnut (Castanea Mill.) seedlings planted across a gradient of light levels
CC Pinchot, SE Schlarbaum, SL Clark, AM Saxton, AM Sharp, ...
New Forests 48, 491-512, 2017
Nursery quality and first-year response of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) seedlings planted in the southeastern United States
SL Clark, CJ Schweitzer, SE Schlarbaum, LD Dimov, FV Hebard
Tree Planters' Notes 53 (2): 13-21 53 (2), 13-21, 2010
Characteristics of the Keystone Ancient Forest Preserve, an old-growth forest in the Cross Timbers of Oklahoma, USA.
SL Clark, SW Hallgren, DW Stahle, TB Lynch
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Articles 1–20