Jaber Karimpour
Jaber Karimpour
Professor of Computer Science, Director of Computer Science Department, University of Tabriz
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Cited by
A survey of approaches for university course timetabling problem
H Babaei, J Karimpour, A Hadidi
Computers & Industrial Engineering 86, 43-59, 2015
HCTE: Hierarchical Clustering based routing algorithm with applying the Two cluster heads in each cluster for Energy balancing in WSN
N Azizi, J Karimpour, F Seifi
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 9 (1), 57, 2012
A new deep-learning-based model for breast cancer diagnosis from medical images
S Zakareya, H Izadkhah, J Karimpour
Diagnostics 13 (11), 1944, 2023
Web spam detection by learning from small labeled samples
J Karimpour, AA Noroozi, S Alizadeh
International Journal of Computer Applications 50 (21), 2012
Generating an optimal timetabling for multi-departments common lecturers using hybrid fuzzy and clustering algorithms
H Babaei, J Karimpour, A Hadidi
Soft Computing 23, 4735-4747, 2019
A new secure and practical electronic voting protocol without revealing voters identity
S Jafari, J Karimpour, N Bagheri
International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering 3 (6), 2191-2199, 2011
Intrusion detection in network flows based on an optimized clustering criterion
J Karimpour, S Lotfi, AT Siahmarzkooh
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 25 (3), 1963 …, 2017
On direct diffusion routing for wireless sensor networks
NS Samaras, FS Triantari
2016 Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (RTUWO), 89-94, 2016
Transnational language teachers’ emotional vulnerability and professional identity construction: An ecological perspective
J Kamali, M Nazari
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-15, 2023
Using rootkits hiding techniques to conceal honeypot functionality
M Mohammadzad, J Karimpour
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 214, 103606, 2023
Secure cloud-of-clouds storage with space-efficient secret sharing
A Niknia, M Correia, J Karimpour
Journal of Information Security and Applications 59, 102826, 2021
3‐D data partitioning for 3‐level perfectly nested loops on heterogeneous distributed systems
E Zarei Zefreh, S Lotfi, L Mohammad Khanli, J Karimpour
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 29 (5), e3976, 2017
Using fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm for common lecturers timetabling among departments
H Babaei, J Karimpour, H Oroji
2016 6th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering …, 2016
Applying hybrid fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making approach to find the best ranking for the soft constraint weights of lecturers in UCTP
H Babaei, J Karimpour, A Hadidi
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 20, 62-77, 2018
The impact of feature selection on web spam detection
J Karimpour, AA Noroozi, A Abadi
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications 4 (9), 61, 2012
Nonlinear vibration analysis of a type of tapered cantilever beams by using an analytical approximate method
W Sun, Y Sun, Y Yu, S Zheng
Structural Engineering and Mechanics 59 (1), 1-14, 2016
Spambot detection: A review of techniques and trends
I Adegbola, R Jimoh
network 6 (9), 2014
Nonlinear vibration of an elastically restrained tapered beam
S Karimpour, SS Ganji, A Barari, LB Ibsen, G Domairry
Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 55, 1925-1930, 2012
An analytical security model for existing software systems
A Isazadeh, I Elgedawy, J Karimpour, H Izadkhah
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 8 (2), 2014
Using k-means clustering algorithm for common lecturers timetabling among departments
H Babaei, J Karimpour, S Mavizi, I Ahar
ACSIJ Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal 5 (1), 86-102, 2016
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Articles 1–20