Pascal R Buenzli
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Cited by
Quantifying the osteocyte network in the human skeleton
PR Buenzli, NA Sims
Bone 75, 144-150, 2015
The influence of bone surface availability in bone remodelling—a mathematical model including coupled geometrical and biomechanical regulations of bone cells
P Pivonka, PR Buenzli, S Scheiner, C Hellmich, CR Dunstan
Engineering Structures 47, 134-147, 2013
Cell proliferation and migration explain pore bridging dynamics in 3D printed scaffolds of different pore size
PR Buenzli, M Lanaro, CS Wong, MP McLaughlin, MC Allenby, ...
Acta Biomaterialia 114, 285-295, 2020
Spatio-temporal structure of cell distribution in cortical bone multicellular units: a mathematical model
PR Buenzli, P Pivonka, DW Smith
Bone 48 (4), 918-926, 2011
A multiscale mechanobiological model of bone remodelling predicts site-specific bone loss in the femur during osteoporosis and mechanical disuse
C Lerebours, PR Buenzli, S Scheiner, P Pivonka
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 15, 43-67, 2016
Modelling the anabolic response of bone using a cell population model
PR Buenzli, P Pivonka, BS Gardiner, DW Smith
Journal of theoretical biology 307, 42-52, 2012
The Casimir force at high temperature
PR Buenzli, PA Martin
Europhysics Letters 72 (1), 42, 2005
Computational modeling of interactions between multiple myeloma and the bone microenvironment
Y Wang, P Pivonka, PR Buenzli, DW Smith, CR Dunstan
PloS one 6 (11), e27494, 2011
Modeling the effect of curvature on the collective behavior of cells growing new tissue
MA Alias, PR Buenzli
Biophysical Journal 112 (1), 193-204, 2017
The relationship between porosity and specific surface in human cortical bone is subject specific
C Lerebours, CDL Thomas, JG Clement, PR Buenzli, P Pivonka
Bone 72, 109-117, 2015
Endocortical bone loss in osteoporosis: the role of bone surface availability
PR Buenzli, CDL Thomas, JG Clement, P Pivonka
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 29 (12 …, 2013
Osteocytes as a record of bone formation dynamics: A mathematical model of osteocyte generation in bone matrix
PR Buenzli
Journal of Theoretical Biology 364, 418-427, 2015
Bone refilling in cortical basic multicellular units: insights into tetracycline double labelling from a computational model
PR Buenzli, P Pivonka, DW Smith
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 13 (1), 185-203, 2014
Investigation of bone resorption within a cortical basic multicellular unit using a lattice-based computational model
PR Buenzli, J Jeon, P Pivonka, DW Smith, PT Cummings
Bone 50 (1), 378-389, 2012
Violation of the action-reaction principle and self-forces induced by nonequilibrium fluctuations
PR Buenzli, R Soto
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (2 …, 2008
Towards a cell-based mechanostat theory of bone: the need to account for osteocyte desensitisation and osteocyte replacement
C Lerebours, PR Buenzli
Journal of biomechanics 49 (13), 2600-2606, 2016
Microscopic theory of the Casimir force at thermal equilibrium: Large-separation asymptotics
PR Buenzli, PA Martin
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (1 …, 2008
Model-based data analysis of tissue growth in thin 3D printed scaffolds
AP Browning, OJ Maclaren, PR Buenzli, M Lanaro, MC Allenby, ...
Journal of Theoretical Biology 528, 110852, 2021
A one-dimensional individual-based mechanical model of cell movement in heterogeneous tissues and its coarse-grained approximation
RJ Murphy, PR Buenzli, RE Baker, MJ Simpson
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 475 (2227), 20180838, 2019
Osteoblasts infill irregular pores under curvature and porosity controls: a hypothesis-testing analysis of cell behaviours
MA Alias, PR Buenzli
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 17 (5), 1357-1371, 2018
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Articles 1–20