Yuen Mi Cheon
Yuen Mi Cheon
Assistant Professor, Chonnam National University
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Racial disparities in sleep: Associations with discrimination among ethnic/racial minority adolescents
T Yip, YM Cheon, Y Wang, H Cham, W Tryon, M El‐Sheikh
Child Development 91 (3), 914-931, 2020
Longitudinal associations between ethnic/racial identity and discrimination among Asian and Latinx adolescents
YM Cheon, T Yip
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 48 (9), 1736-1753, 2019
Profiles of adolescent identity at the intersection of ethnic/racial identity, American identity, and subjective social status
YM Cheon, PS Ip, M Haskin, T Yip
Frontiers in psychology 11, 959, 2020
The diversity paradox: Opportunities and challenges of “contact in context” across development
T Yip, YM Cheon, Y Wang
Research in Human Development 16 (1), 51-75, 2019
The role of ethnic socialization, ethnic identity and self-esteem: Implications for bi-ethnic adolescents’ school adjustment
J Lee, YM Cheon, X Wei, GH Chung
Journal of Child and Family Studies 27 (12), 3831-3841, 2018
Sociodemographic and environmental factors associated with childhood sleep duration
T Yip, YM Cheon, Y Wang, WQ Deng, AL Seligson
Sleep health 6 (6), 767-777, 2020
Multilevel IRT analysis of the Everyday Discrimination Scale and the Racial/Ethnic Discrimination Index.
Y Feng, YM Cheon, T Yip, H Cham
Psychological Assessment 33 (7), 637, 2021
Adolescent profiles of ethnicity/race and socioeconomic status: Implications for sleep and the role of discrimination and ethnic/racial identity
YM Cheon, PS Ip, T Yip
Advances in Child Development and Behavior 57, 195-233, 2019
Sleep, psychopathology and cultural diversity
T Yip, YM Cheon
Current opinion in psychology 34, 123-127, 2020
The development of ethnic/racial self-labeling: Individual differences in context
YM Cheon, SD Bayless, Y Wang, T Yip
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 47 (10), 2261-2278, 2018
Discrimination and hair cortisol concentration among asian, latinx and white young adults
T Yip, P Smith, M Tynes, S Mirpuri, A Weems, YM Cheon
Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology 6, 100047, 2021
Daily academic satisfaction and ethnic/racial identity of Asian American adolescents: The role of objective and subjective peer diversity at school.
YM Cheon, L Niu, A Ehrhardt, T Yip
Asian American journal of psychology 11 (2), 59, 2020
The role of social contact in the experience of discrimination: implications for subjective health among marriage migrant women in South Korea
YM Cheon, GH Chung
Asian Social Work and Policy Review 10 (1), 34-49, 2016
Development against the backdrop of the model minority myth: Strengths and vulnerabilities among Asian American adolescents and young adults.
T Yip, M Haskin, J Fowle, M Xie, YM Cheon, PS Ip, S Akhter
American Psychological Association, 2023
Daily time-use patterns, psychological well-being, and family socioeconomic status of South Korean adolescents: A mixture modeling
J Lee, K Yang, YM Cheon
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 49 (4), 461-486, 2018
Adolescents’ Daily Experience of Fathers’ Emotional Support and Self‐Evaluation in Korea
YM Cheon, GH Chung
Journal of Research on Adolescence 30 (1), 142-157, 2020
Applying experience-sampling methods to investigate the impact of school diversity on youth development in multicultural contexts
T Yip, YM Cheon, A Ehrhardt
Youth in Superdiverse Societies, 111-128, 2019
A daily diary study of adolescents’ academic stress, physical and psychological well-being, and the moderating effect of family affluence
GH Chung, YM Cheon
청소년학연구 24 (2), 251-276, 2017
Fathers’ Daily Emotional Support and Adolescents’ Self-Evaluation in Korea
YMA Cheon, GH Chung
Daily time-use patterns, psychology well-being family socioeconomic status of South Korean adolescents: A mixture modeling
J Lee, K Yang, YM Cheon
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Articles 1–20