Gerrit B. Nanninga
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Larval fish dispersal in a coral-reef seascape
GR Almany, S Planes, SR Thorrold, ML Berumen, M Bode, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 1 (6), 0148, 2017
Environmental gradients predict the genetic population structure of a coral reef fish in the Red Sea
GB Nanninga, P Saenz‐Agudelo, A Manica, ML Berumen
Molecular ecology 23 (3), 591-602, 2014
Seascape genetics along environmental gradients in the Arabian Peninsula: insights from ddRAD sequencing of anemonefishes
P Saenz‐Agudelo, JD Dibattista, MJ Piatek, MR Gaither, HB Harrison, ...
Molecular Ecology 24 (24), 6241-6255, 2015
Sensing coral reef connectivity pathways from space
DE Raitsos, RJW Brewin, P Zhan, D Dreano, Y Pradhan, GB Nanninga, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 9338, 2017
Microplastic exposure interacts with habitat degradation to affect behaviour and survival of juvenile fish in the field
MI McCormick, DP Chivers, MCO Ferrari, MI Blandford, GB Nanninga, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1937), 20201947, 2020
Not finding Nemo: limited reef-scale retention in a coral reef fish
GB Nanninga, P Saenz-Agudelo, P Zhan, I Hoteit, ML Berumen
Coral Reefs 34, 383-392, 2015
Ongoing decline of shark populations in the Eastern Red Sea
JLY Spaet, GB Nanninga, ML Berumen
Biological Conservation 201, 20-28, 2016
The role of individual variation in marine larval dispersal
GB Nanninga, ML Berumen
Frontiers in Marine Science 1, 71, 2014
Behavioural acclimation to cameras and observers in coral reef fishes
GB Nanninga, IM Côté, R Beldade, SC Mills
Ethology 123 (10), 705-711, 2017
Larval swimming capacities affect genetic differentiation and range size in demersal marine fishes
GB Nanninga, A Manica
Marine Ecology Progress Series 589, 1-12, 2018
Microplastic ingestion rates are phenotype-dependent in juvenile anemonefish
GB Nanninga, A Scott, A Manica
Environmental Pollution 259, 113855, 2020
Microplastic exposure increases predictability of predator avoidance strategies in hermit crabs
GB Nanninga, C Horswill, SM Lane, A Manica, M Briffa
Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters 1, 100005, 2020
Permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 October 2011–30 November 2011
Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium, ...
Molecular ecology resources 12 (2), 374-376, 2012
Treatment-level impacts of microplastic exposure may be confounded by variation in individual-level responses in juvenile fish
GB Nanninga, A Pertzelan, M Kiflawi, R Holzman, I Plakolm, A Manica
Journal of hazardous materials 416, 126059, 2021
Seascape and life-history traits do not predict self-recruitment in a coral reef fish
M Herrera, GB Nanninga, S Planes, GP Jones, SR Thorrold, ...
Biology Letters 12 (8), 20160309, 2016
Comparative phylogeography of three host sea anemones in the Indo‐Pacific
MA Emms, P Saenz‐Agudelo, EC Giles, R Gatins, GB Nanninga, A Scott, ...
Journal of Biogeography 47 (2), 487-500, 2020
Development of 35 novel microsatellite markers for the two-band anemonefish Amphiprion bicinctus
G Nanninga, M Mughal, P Saenz-Agudelo, T Bayer, M Berumen
Conservation Genetics Resources 5, 515-518, 2013
Merging approaches to explore connectivity in the anemonefish, Amphiprion bicinctus, along the Saudi Arabian coast of the Red Sea
GB Nanninga
Spawning aggregations of the Humpback red snapper, Lutjanus gibbus, in the Tuamotus, French Polynesia
GB Nanninga, JLY Spaet
Marine Biodiversity 47 (2), 375-376, 2017
Characterization and cross-amplification of microsatellite markers in four species of anemonefish (Pomacentridae, Amphiprion spp.)
MC Bonin, P Saenz-Agudelo, HB Harrison, GB Nanninga, ...
Marine Biodiversity 46, 135-140, 2016
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Articles 1–20