Henri Masquelin
Henri Masquelin
Instituto de Ciencias Geológicas - UdelaR
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The Dom Feliciano belt (Brazil-Uruguay) and its fore land (Rio de la Plata Craton): framework, tectonic evolution and correlations with similar terranes of southwestern Africa
M Basei, O Siga, H Masquelin, O Harara, J Reis Neto, F Preciozzi
The namaqua/grenville terrane of eastern Uruguay
F Preciozzi, H Masquelin, MAS Basei
Abstracts Volume, 1999
The Cerro Olivo complex: a pre-collisional Neoproterozoic magmatic arc in Eastern Uruguay
H Masquelin, LA D'Avila Fernandes, C Lenz, CC Porcher, ...
International Geology Review 54 (10), 1161-1183, 2012
U–Pb SHRIMP ages for the Cerro Bori Orthogneisses, Dom Feliciano Belt in Uruguay: evidences of a∼ 800 Ma magmatic and∼ 650 Ma metamorphic event
C Lenz, LAD Fernandes, NJ McNaughton, CC Porcher, H Masquelin
Precambrian Research 185 (3-4), 149-163, 2011
Geochemistry of the Neoproterozoic (800–767 Ma) Cerro Bori orthogneisses, Dom Feliciano Belt in Uruguay: tectonic evolution of an ancient continental arc
C Lenz, CC Porcher, LAD Fernandes, H Masquelin, E Koester, ...
Mineralogy and Petrology 107, 785-806, 2013
El escudo uruguayo
H Masquelin
Cuencas Sedimentarias de Uruguay, geología, paleontología y recursos …, 2006
Neoproterozoic tectonic synthesis of Uruguay
L Sanchez Bettucci, E Peel, H Masquelin
International Geology Review 52 (1), 51-78, 2010
The Dom Feliciano Belt and the Rio de la Plata Craton: tectonic evolution and correlation with similar provinces of southwestern Africa
MAS Basei, O Siga Jr, H Masquelin, OM Harara, JM Reis Neto, ...
Tectonic Evolution of South America 31, 2000
Geología de la Porción sur del Cinturón Cuchilla de Dionisio
F Preciozzi, H Masquelin, L Sánchez
Simp Int Neoprot-Cambrico Cuenca del Plata Field guide 1, 1-39, 1993
New geochronological data from the Piedra Alta terrane (Río de la Plata Craton)
F Preciozzi, MAS Basei, H Masquelin
Abstracts Volume, 1999
Propuesta de evolución tectono-sedimentaria para la Cuenca de Piriápolis, Uruguay
HC Masquelin, LS Bettucci
Brazilian Journal of Geology 23 (3), 313-322, 1993
Lithologies, structure and basement-cover relationships in the schist belt of the Dom Feliciano Belt in Uruguay
H Masquelin, HS Lara, LS Bettucci, PN Demarco, S Pascual, R Muzio, ...
Brazilian Journal of Geology 47 (01), 21-42, 2017
Análisis estructural de las zonas de cizalla en las migmatitas de Punta del Este–Uruguay
H Masquelin
Acta Geologica Leopoldensia 30, 139-158, 1990
The Cuaró Mesozoic doleritic dyke swarm, southern Paraná basin, Uruguay: Examples of superimposed magnetic fabrics?
H Masquelin, T Aïfa, R Muzio, E Hallot, G Veroslavsky, L Bonnevalle
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 341 (12), 1003-1015, 2009
Aeromagnetic patterns in Southern Uruguay: Precambrian-Mesozoic dyke swarms and Mesozoic rifting structural and tectonic evolution
PN Demarco, H Masquelin, C Prezzi, T Aifa, R Muzio, J Loureiro, E Peel, ...
Tectonophysics 789, 228373, 2020
Geología y geotermobarometría de la Suite Metamórfica Chafalote, basamento prebrasiliano, sureste del Uruguay
H Masquelin, AOM Silva, CC Porcher, LAD Fernandes, E Morales
Actas do XI Congresso Latino Americano de Geologia, Montevideo, 2001
Tectonic domains of the Uruguay precambrian shield
F Preciozzi, MAS Basei, H Masquelin
Abstracts Volume, 1999
Hydraulic conductivity and geophysics (ERT) to assess the aquifer recharge capacity of an inland wetland in the Brazilian Savanna
CA Moreira, V Rosolen, LM Furlan, RC Bovi, H Masquelin
Environmental Challenges 5, 100274, 2021
Memoria explicativa de la carta geológica del Uruguay, Hoja chafalote, Escala 1: 100.000: DI
H Masquelin, F Tabó
NA. MI. GE/Fac. de Agron. Fac. de H. y Cs, 1-20, 1988
Petrochemistry of Mesozoic mafic intrusions related to the Paraná Magmatic Province, Uruguay
R Muzio, F Scaglia, H Masquelin
International Geology Review 54 (7), 844-860, 2012
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Articles 1–20