William M Foster
William M Foster
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Cited by
Rhetorical history as a source of competitive advantage
R Suddaby, WM Foster, C Quinn Trank
The globalization of strategy research, 147-173, 2010
History and organizational change
R Suddaby, WM Foster
Journal of management 43 (1), 19-38, 2017
Historical institutionalism
R Suddaby, WM Foster, AJ Mills
Organizations in time: History, theory, methods 100, 123, 2014
History as social memory assets: The example of Tim Hortons
WM Foster, R Suddaby, A Minkus, E Wiebe
Management & Organizational History 6 (1), 101-120, 2011
History and the micro‐foundations of dynamic capabilities
R Suddaby, D Coraiola, C Harvey, W Foster
Strategic Management Journal 41 (3), 530-556, 2020
The strategic use of historical narratives: A theoretical framework
WM Foster, DM Coraiola, R Suddaby, J Kroezen, D Chandler
Business history 59 (8), 1176-1200, 2017
A dynamic capabilities view of employability: Exploring the drivers of competitive advantage for university graduates
DJ Finch, M Peacock, N Levallet, W Foster
Education+ Training 58 (1), 61-81, 2016
R Suddaby, WM Foster, CQ Trank
The Oxford handbook of organizational identity, 297-316, 2016
Re-visiting the historic turn 10 years later: current debates in management and organizational history–an introduction
AJ Mills, R Suddaby, WM Foster, G Durepos
Management & Organizational History 11 (2), 67-76, 2016
Inventing team tradition: A conceptual model for the strategic development of fan nations
WM Foster, CG Hyatt
European Sport Management Quarterly 8 (3), 265-287, 2008
Organizational memory studies
H Foroughi, DM Coraiola, J Rintamäki, S Mena, WM Foster
Organization Studies 41 (12), 1725-1748, 2020
I despise them! I detest them! Franchise relocation and the expanded model of organizational identification
WM Foster, C Hyatt
Journal of Sport Management 21 (2), 194-212, 2007
New identities from remnants of the past: An examination of the history of beer brewing in Ontario and the recent emergence of craft breweries
K Lamertz, WM Foster, DM Coraiola, J Kroezen
The History of the Beer and Brewing Industry, 186-218, 2018
Varieties of history in organization studies
DM Coraiola, WM Foster, R Suddaby
The Routledge companion to management and organizational history, 206-221, 2015
The changing nature of managerial work: The effects of corporate restructuring on management jobs and careers
WM Foster, JS Hassard, J Morris, J Wolfram Cox
Human Relations 72 (3), 473-504, 2019
Using identity work theory to understand the de-escalation of fandom: A study of former fans of National Hockey League teams
CG Hyatt, WM Foster
Journal of Sport Management 29 (4), 443-460, 2015
Indigenous peoples and organization studies
F Bastien, DM Coraiola, WM Foster
Organization Studies 44 (4), 659-675, 2023
Sports fans, identity, and socialization: Exploring the fandemonium
RC Aden, GG Armfield, DE Beard, K Berg, AC Billings, J Boone, ...
Lexington Books, 2011
Praxis makes perfect: Recovering the ethical promise of critical management studies
WM Foster, E Wiebe
Journal of Business Ethics 94, 271-283, 2010
Thinking strategically about professional sports
MK Mauws, DS Mason, WM Foster
European Sport Management Quarterly 3 (3), 145-164, 2003
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Articles 1–20