Mariana Ionescu
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Cited by
Food waste management for biogas production in the context of sustainable development
M Ferdeș, BȘ Zăbavă, G Paraschiv, M Ionescu, MN Dincă, G Moiceanu
Energies 15 (17), 6268, 2022
Agricultural soil compaction under the action of agricultural machinery
N Ungureanu, Ş Croitoru, S Biriş, G Voicu, V Vlăduţ, KÇ Selvi, S Boruz, ...
Simpozu Aktualni Zadaci Mehanizacue Poljoprivrede 1, 31-42, 2015
Parameters influencing the screw pressing process of oilseed materials
M Ionescu, G Voicu, B Sorin-Stefan, C Covaliu, M Dincă, N Ungureanu
3rd International Conference on Thermal Equipment, Renewable Energy and …, 2014
Laccases—versatile enzymes used to reduce environmental pollution
G Paraschiv, M Ferdes, M Ionescu, G Moiceanu, BS Zabava, MN Dinca
Energies 15 (5), 1835, 2022
Methods for oil obtaining from oleaginous materials
M Ionesu, V Vladut, N Ungureanu, M Dinca, BS Zabava, M Stefan
Annals of the University of Craiova-Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre …, 2017
A review on the durability of biomass pellets
N Ungureanu, V Vladut, SS Biris, M Dinca, M Ionescu, BS Zabava, ...
5th International Conference on Thermal Equipment, Renewable Energy and …, 2016
Calculus elements for mechanical presses in oil industry
B Sorin-Stefan, M Ionescu, G Voicu, N Ungureanu, V Vladut
Food Industry 1 (8), 2013
Anaerobic co-digestion: a way to potentiate the synergistic effect of multiple substrates and microbial diversity
M Ferdeș, G Paraschiv, M Ionescu, MN Dincă, G Moiceanu, BȘ Zăbavă
Energies 16 (5), 2116, 2023
Production status of biomass pellets–review
N Ungureanu, V Vladut, G Paraschiv, M Ionescu, BST ZABAVA, I Grigore
" Annals of the University of Craiova-Agriculture Montanology Cadastre …, 2016
Recovery of organic waste through composting process
MN Dincă, M Ferdeş, G Paraschiv, N Ungureanu, B Zăbavă, M Ionescu, ...
Acta Technica Corviniensis-Bulletin of Engineering 12 (1), 119-122, 2019
Laccase enzyme production and biomass growth in liquid cultures of wood-degrading fungal strains.
M Ferdeș, M Dincă, B Zăbavă, G Paraschiv, M Munteanu, M Ionescu
An oil expression process using screw presses with strainers oil outlet
M Ionescu, G Voicu, SS Biris, N Ungureanu, V Vladut, I Voicea, C Persu
Proceedings of the 43 International Symposium” Actual Tasks on Agricultural …, 2015
Falling number vs. liquefaction number in alfa-amylase activity estimation for bakery flour.
EM Ștefan, G Voicu, GA Constantin, M Ferdeș, M Ionescu
Contributions to the analysis of the vibratory working tools by FEM.
NE Gheorghiță, SS Biriș, N Ungureanu, M Ionescu
Methods for determining the characteristics of flour and dough
MG Munteanu, G Voicu, N Ungureanu, BȘ Zăbavă, M Ionescu, ...
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Thermal Equipment …, 2016
Effects of wheat seeds characteristics on roller milling process-a review
ME Ştefan, G Voicu, GA Constantin, M Munteanu, M Ionescu
conference paper presented at 7th International Conference on Thermal …, 2018
Experimental study of the sedimentation of solid particles in wastewater
BST ZABAVA, N Ungureanu, V Vladut, M Dinca, G Voicu, M Ionescu
Annals of the University of Craiova-Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre …, 2017
Determination of some mechanical properties for oilseeds using uniaxial compression tests.
M Ionescu, G Voicu, SȘ Biriș, EM Ștefan, N Ungureanu, MN Dincă
Influence of wheel load and tire inflation pressure on footprint area in static regime.
N Ungureanu, V Vlăduț, GH Voicu, SȘ Birișcedilla˜, M Ionescu, M Dincă, ...
Types of Aerators Used in Wastewater Treatment Plants
BȘ Zăbavă, N Ungureanu, G Voicu, M Dincă
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Thermal Equipment …, 2016
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Articles 1–20