Elinor Lichtenberg
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Cited by
Crop pollination exposes honey bees to pesticides which alters their susceptibility to the gut pathogen Nosema ceranae
JS Pettis, EM Lichtenberg, M Andree, J Stitzinger, R Rose, ...
PLoS One 8 (7), e70182, 2013
A global synthesis of the effects of diversified farming systems on arthropod diversity within fields and across agricultural landscapes
EM Lichtenberg, CM Kennedy, C Kremen, P Batáry, F Berendse, ...
Global Change Biology 23 (11), 4946-4957, 2017
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) and bee age impact honey bee pathophysiology
D vanEngelsdorp, KS Traynor, M Andree, EM Lichtenberg, Y Chen, ...
PLoS One 12 (7), e0179535, 2017
Behavioral suites mediate group-level foraging dynamics in communities of tropical stingless bees
EM Lichtenberg, VL Imperatriz-Fonseca, JC Nieh
Insectes sociaux 57 (1), 105-113, 2010
Foraging traits modulate stingless bee community disassembly under forest loss
EM Lichtenberg, CD Mendenhall, B Brosi
Journal of Animal Ecology 86 (6), 1404-1416, 2017
CropPol: a dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination
A Allen‐Perkins, A Magrach, M Dainese, LA Garibaldi, D Kleijn, R Rader, ...
Ecology 103 (3), e3614, 2022
Olfactory eavesdropping between two competing stingless bee species
EM Lichtenberg, M Hrncir, IC Turatti, JC Nieh
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 65 (4), 763-774, 2011
A Rapid Survey Technique for Tropilaelaps Mite (Mesostigmata: Laelapidae) Detection
JS Pettis, R Rose, EM Lichtenberg, P Chantawannakul, N Buawangpong, ...
Journal of Economic Entomology 106 (4), 1535-1544, 2013
The behavioral ecology of nectar robbing: Why be tactic constant?
JL Bronstein, JL Barker, EM Lichtenberg, LL Richardson, RE Irwin
Current Opinion in Insect Science, 2017
Economics of Pollination
K Baylis, EM Lichtenberg, E Lichtenberg
Annual Review of Resource Economics 13, 335-354, 2021
A description of commonly observed behaviors for the kori bustard (Ardeotis kori)
EM Lichtenberg, S Hallager
Journal of Ethology 26 (1), 17-34, 2008
High bee functional diversity buffers crop pollination services against Amazon deforestation
AJ Campbell, EM Lichtenberg, LG Carvalheiro, C Menezes, RC Borges, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 326, 107777, 2022
Eavesdropping selects for conspicuous signals
EM Lichtenberg, JG Zivin, M Hrncir, JC Nieh
Current Biology 24 (13), R598-R599, 2014
A globally synthesised and flagged bee occurrence dataset and cleaning workflow
JB Dorey, EE Fischer, PR Chesshire, A Nava-Bolaños, RL O’Reilly, ...
Scientific Data 10 (1), 747, 2023
Costs and benefits of alternative food handling tactics help explain facultative exploitation of pollination mutualisms
EM Lichtenberg, RE Irwin, JL Bronstein
Ecology 99 (8), 1815-1824, 2018
Noisy communities and signal detection: why do pollinators visit rewardless flowers?
E Lichtenberg, J Heiling, J Bronstein, J Barker
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2020
Projected climate change will reduce habitat suitability for bumble bees in the Pacific Northwest
J Koch, C Looney, B Hopkins, EM Lichtenberg, WS Sheppard, JP Strange
BioRxiv, 610071, 2019
Competition for nectar resources does not affect bee foraging tactic constancy
EM Lichtenberg, SK Richman, RE Irwin, JL Bronstein
Ecological Entomology 45 (4), 904-909, 2020
Differential effects of soil conservation practices on arthropods and crop yields
EM Lichtenberg, I Milosavljević, AJ Campbell, DW Crowder
Journal of Applied Entomology 147 (10), 931-940, 2023
Bumble bees are constant to nectar-robbing behaviour despite low switching costs
EM Lichtenberg, RE Irwin, JL Bronstein
Animal Behaviour 170, 177-188, 2020
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Articles 1–20