Numerical solution to a control problem for integro-differential equations AT Assanova, EA Bakirova, ZM Kadirbayeva Computational mathematics and mathematical physics 60, 203-221, 2020 | 50 | 2020 |
Criteria for the unique solvability of a linear two-point boundary value problem for systems of integro-differential equations DS Dzhumabaev, EA Bakirova Differential equations 49, 1087-1102, 2013 | 50 | 2013 |
A method of solving a nonlinear boundary value problem with a parameter for a loaded differential equation D Dzhumabaev, E Bakirova, S Mynbayeva Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 43 (4), 1788-1802, 2020 | 39 | 2020 |
Criteria for the well-posedness of a linear two-point boundary value problem for systems of integro-differential equations DS Dzhumabaev, EA Bakirova Differential equations 46, 553-567, 2010 | 35 | 2010 |
On the unique solvability of a nonlocal boundary-value problem for systems of loaded hyperbolic equations with impulsive actions AT Asanova, ZM Kadirbaeva, EA Bakirova Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 69, 1175-1195, 2018 | 29 | 2018 |
A problem with parameter for the integro-differential equations EA Bakirova, AT Assanova, ZM Kadirbayeva Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 26 (1), 34-54, 2021 | 28 | 2021 |
On the Unique Solvability of the Boundary-Value Problems for Fredholm Integrodifferential Equations with Degenerate Kernel. D Dzhumabaev, É Bakirova Journal of Mathematical Sciences 220 (4), 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
A computational method for solving a problem with parameter for linear systems of integro-differential equations AT Assanova, EA Bakirova, ZM Kadirbayeva, RE Uteshova Computational and Applied Mathematics 39 (3), 248, 2020 | 26 | 2020 |
Numerical implementation of solving a boundary value problem for a system of loaded differential equations with parameter AT Assanova, EA Bakirova, ZM Kadirbayeva NEWS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN …, 2019 | 22 | 2019 |
An algorithm for solving a control problem for a differential equation with a parameter DS Dzhumabaev, EA Bakirova, ZM Kadirbayeva News of NAS RK. Series of physico-mathematical 5 (321), 1726, 2018 | 19* | 2018 |
Numerical method for the solution of linear boundary-value problems for integrodifferential equations based on spline approximations EA Bakirova, NB Iskakova, AT Assanova Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 71 (9), 1341-1358, 2020 | 14 | 2020 |
An algorithm for solving a control problem for a differential equation with a parameter DS Dzhumabaev, EA Bakirova, ZM Kadirbayeva News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan …, 2018 | 14 | 2018 |
On a solvability of linear multipoint boundary value problem for the loaded differential equations EA Bakirova, ZM Kadirbayeva Izv. NAN RK Ser. Fiz. Mat, 168-175, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
Об однозначной разрешимости краевой задачи для систем интегро-дифференциальных уравнений Фредгольма с вырожденным ядром ДС Джумабаев, ЭА Бакирова Нелінійні коливання, 489-506, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
О разрешимости линейной многоточечной краевой задачи для нагруженных дифференциальных уравнений ЭА Бакирова, ЖМ Кадирбаева Известия HАH PК. Сеp. физ.-мат, 168-175, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
On one algorithm for finding a solution to a two-point boundary value problem for loaded differential equations with impulse effect EA Bakirova, ZM Kadirbayeva, AB Tleulesova Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Mathematics Series 87 (3), 43-50, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
Well-posedness of problem with parameter for an integro-differential equation AT Assanova, EA Bakirova, GK Vassilina Analysis 40 (4), 175-191, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
О признаке однозначной разрешимости двухточечной краевой задачи для системы нагруженных дифференциальных уравнений ЭА Бакирова Известия HAH РК. Сер. физ.-мат, 95-102, 2005 | 9 | 2005 |
О необходимых и достаточных условиях однозначной разрешимости двухточечной краевой задачи для нагруженных дифференциальных уравнений ЭА Бакирова Математический журнал 5 (3), 25-34, 2005 | 9* | 2005 |
Numerically approximate method for solving of a control problem for integro-differential equations of parabolic type AT Assanova, EA Bakirova, ZM Kadirbayeva Известия НАН РК. Серия физико-математическая, 14-24, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |