Masharif Bakiev
Masharif Bakiev
Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers
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Основы научных исследований (учебное пособие
Асқар Ашрабов, Машариф Рузметович Бакиев, Асрор Абдихамидович Янгиев ...
Groundwater resources use and management in the Amu Darya river basin (Central Asia)
S Rakhmatullaev, F Huneau, J Kazbekov, P Le Coustumer, MR Bakiev, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 59 (6), 1183, 2010
Water reservoirs, irrigation and sedimentation in Central Asia: a first-cut assessment for Uzbekistan
S Rakhmatullaev, F Huneau, H Celle-Jeanton, P Le Coustumer, ...
Environmental earth sciences 68, 985-998, 2013
Facts and perspectives of water reservoirs in Central Asia: a special focus on Uzbekistan
S Rakhmatullaev, F Huneau, P Le Coustumer, M Motelica-Heino, ...
Water 2 (2), 307-320, 2010
Geostatistical approach for the assessment of the water reservoir capacity in arid regions: a case study of the Akdarya reservoir, Uzbekistan
S Rakhmatullaev, A Marache, F Huneau, P Le Coustumer, M Bakiev, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 63, 447-460, 2011
Evaluation of ASTER DEM and SRTM DEM data for determining the area and volume of the water reservoir
K Khasanov, M Bakiev
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 883 (1), 012063, 2020
Groundwater resources of Uzbekistan: an environmental and operational overview
S Rakhmatullaev, F Huneau, J Kazbekov, H Celle-Jeanton, ...
Open Geosciences 4 (1), 67-80, 2012
Water-energy-food-environmental nexus in Central Asia: From transition to transformation
S Rakhmatullaev, I Abdullaev, J Kazbekov
Water resources in Central Asia: international context, 103-120, 2017
Operation of hydraulic structures
MR Bakiev, TN Tursunov, NT Kaveshnikov
Tashkent, 2008
Sustainable irrigated agricultural production of countries in economic transition: Challenges and opportunities (a case study of Uzbekistan, Central Asia)
S Rakhmatullaev, F Huneau, P Le Coustumer, M Motelica-Heino
Agricultural production, 139-161, 2011
Use of hydraulic structures
MR Bakiev, N Kaveshnikov, T Tursunov
TIIAMI, 442p, 2008
Calculation of sediment flow in channels taking into account passing and counter wind waves
A Yangiev, S Eshev, S Panjiev, A Rakhimov
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 883 (1), 012036, 2020
Evaluation of ASTER DEM and SRTM DEM data for determining the area and volume of the water reservoir
K Khasanov
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 883 (1), 012063, 2020
Dynamics of an earth dam with account for rheological properties of soil under dynamic effect
A Yangiev, K Salyamova, K Turdikulov, X Fayziev
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 869 (7), 072005, 2020
О неблагопрятных гидравлических процессах, проис ходящих на крупных насосных станциях
МР Бакиев, ТН Турсунов, НМ Икрамов
Ракурсы инноваций. Сборник научных и методических трудов. Санкт-Петербург …, 2006
Gidrotexnika inshootlaridan foydalanish
MR Bakiyev, N Kaveshnikov, T Tursunov
Toshkent, 2011
Закономерности растекания потока за глухой и сквозной шпорой
МР Бакиев
Автореф. канд. дисс. Ташкент, 1974
Improving the structure, design justification methods and design of control structures
MR Bakiev
Author's abstract to dts dissertation. Moscow, 57, 1992
River bed regulation by cross combined dikes. Study of streams and water sheds of high hydraulic irregularity
MR Bakiev
XXIV Jahr congress (Madrid) pp, 9-13, 0
Water reservoir area and Volume Determination using Geoinformation Technologies and Remote Sensing
Khasanov Kh., Bakiev M.R., Joriyev J., Khalimbetov A., Jahonov A.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 8 (4), 5458-5461, 2019
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Articles 1–20