Marjan Fani
Cited by
Cited by
Thermalization and Bose–Einstein condensation of a photon gas in a multimode hybrid atom-membrane optomechanical microcavity
M Fani, MH Naderi
JOSA B 33 (6), 1242-1250, 2016
Active hyperpolarization of the nuclear spin lattice: Application to hexagonal boron nitride color centers
FT Tabesh, M Fani, JS Pedernales, MB Plenio, M Abdi
Physical Review B 107 (21), 214307, 2023
Back-action evading measurement of the collective mode of a Bose–Einstein condensate
M Fani, A Dalafi
JOSA B 37 (5), 1263-1272, 2020
Coherent transport of single photon in a quantum super-cavity with mirrors composed of λ-type three-level atomic ensembles
M Fani, MH Naderi
International Journal of Optics and Photonics 4 (2), 113-120, 2010
Coherent coupling between an optomechanical membrane and an interacting photon Bose–Einstein condensate
M Fani, MH Naderi
Journal of Modern Optics 64 (17), 1725-1738, 2017
Fluorescence Spectroscopy as a Tool to Investigate the Interaction and Geometry
SM Moniri, M Fani, E Darsheshdar
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 48 (6), 8011-8020, 2023
Modeling the atomtronic analog of an optical polarizing beam splitter, a half-wave plate, and a quarter-wave plate for phonons of the motional state of two trapped atoms
N Mohseni, M Fani, JP Dowling, S Saeidian
Physical Review A 96 (1), 013859, 2017
Dressed Energy Levels in Strongly Interacting Atoms
SM Moniri, M Fani, E Darsheshdar
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.02741, 2021
Quantum dynamics of an optomechanical system in the presence of photonic Bose-Einstein condensate
M Fani, MH Naderi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.04524, 2016
Linear susceptibilities of a single two-level atom and two two-level atoms inside a coupled resonator waveguide: Green function approach
M Fani, MH Naderi
The European Physical Journal D 66, 1-11, 2012
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Articles 1–10