James L. Friar
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Cited by
Neutron polarization in polarized targets
JL Friar, BF Gibson, GL Payne, AM Bernstein, TE Chupp
Physical Review C 42 (6), 2310, 1990
Chiral symmetry and three-nucleon forces
JL Friar, D Hüber, U Van Kolck
Physical Review C 59 (1), 53, 1999
Contributions of neutrons to elastic electron scattering from nuclei
W Bertozzi, J Friar, J Heisenberg, JW Negele
Physics Letters B 41 (4), 408-414, 1972
Systematic uncertainties in the analysis of the reactor neutrino anomaly
AC Hayes, JL Friar, GT Garvey, G Jungman, G Jonkmans
Physical Review Letters 112 (20), 202501, 2014
Theoretical and experimental determination of nuclear charge distributions
JL Friar, JW Negele
Advances in Nuclear Physics: Volume 8, 219-376, 1975
Faddeev calculations of the -3N force contribution to the binding energy
CR Chen, GL Payne, JL Friar, BF Gibson
Physical Review C 33 (5), 1740, 1986
Chiral two-pion exchange and proton-proton partial-wave analysis
MCM Rentmeester, RGE Timmermans, JL Friar, JJ De Swart
Physical Review Letters 82 (25), 4992, 1999
pp→ pp π 0 reaction near threshold: A chiral power counting approach
TD Cohen, JL Friar, GA Miller, U Van Kolck
Physical Review C 53 (6), 2661, 1996
Convergence of Faddeev partial-wave series for triton ground state
CR Chen, GL Payne, JL Friar, BF Gibson
Physical Review C 31 (6), 2266, 1985
Nuclear sizes and the isotope shift
JL Friar, J Martorell, DWL Sprung
Physical Review A 56 (6), 4579, 1997
Pion-exchange contributions to the nuclear charge, current, and Hamiltonian operators
JL Friar
Annals of Physics 104 (2), 380-426, 1977
Triton calculations with the new Nijmegen potentials
JL Friar, GL Payne, VGJ Stoks, JJ De Swart
Physics Letters B 311 (1-4), 4-8, 1993
Nuclear finite-size effects in light muonic atoms
JL Friar
Annals of Physics 122 (1), 151-196, 1979
Configuration space Faddeev calculations. I. Triton ground state properties
GL Payne, JL Friar, BF Gibson, IR Afnan
Physical Review C 22 (2), 823, 1980
Relativistic Corrections to Electron Scattering by 2H, 3He, and 4He
JL Friar
Ann. of Phys.(NY) 81, 332, 1973
The determination of the nuclear charge distribution of 208Pb from elastic electron scattering and muonic X-rays
JL Friar, JW Negele
Nuclear Physics A 212 (1), 93-137, 1973
Low-energy theorems for nuclear compton and raman scattering and 0+→ 0+ two-photon decays in nuclei
JL Friar
Annals of Physics 95 (1), 170-201, 1975
Pionic retardation effects in two-pion-exchange three-nucleon forces
SA Coon, JL Friar
Physical Review C 34 (3), 1060, 1986
Recent progress in understanding trinucleon properties
JL Friar, BF Gibson, GL Payne
Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci.;(United States) 34, 1984
Possible origins and implications of the shoulder in reactor neutrino spectra
AC Hayes, JL Friar, GT Garvey, D Ibeling, G Jungman, T Kawano, ...
Physical Review D 92 (3), 033015, 2015
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