Katarzyna Ratajczak
Katarzyna Ratajczak
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Recent advancements in ventilation systems used to decrease energy consumption in buildings—Literature review
Ł Amanowicz, K Ratajczak, E Dudkiewicz
Energies 16 (4), 1853, 2023
Impact of physical and microbiological parameters on proper indoor air quality in nursery
M Basińska, M Michałkiewicz, K Ratajczak
Environment international 132, 105098, 2019
Assessment of the air streams mixing in wall-type heat recovery units for ventilation of existing and refurbishing buildings toward low energy buildings
K Ratajczak, Ł Amanowicz, E Szczechowiak
Energy and Buildings 227, 110427, 2020
Real domestic hot water consumption in residential buildings and its impact on buildings’ energy performance—Case study in Poland
K Ratajczak, K Michalak, M Narojczyk, Ł Amanowicz
Energies 14 (16), 5010, 2021
Energy consumption decreasing strategy for indoor swimming pools–Decentralized Ventilation system with a heat pump
K Ratajczak, E Szczechowiak
Energy and Buildings 206, 109574, 2020
Effect of resveratrol treatment on human pancreatic cancer cells through alterations of Bcl-2 family members
K Ratajczak, N Glatzel-Plucińska, K Ratajczak-Wielgomas, K Nowińska, ...
Molecules 26 (21), 6560, 2021
Recent achievements in research on thermal comfort and ventilation in the aspect of providing people with appropriate conditions in different types of buildings—semi …
K Ratajczak, Ł Amanowicz, K Pałaszyńska, F Pawlak, J Sinacka
Energies 16 (17), 6254, 2023
The way of usage and location in a big city agglomeration as impact factors of the nurseries indoor air quality
M Basińska, K Ratajczak, M Michałkiewicz, P Fuć, M Siedlecki
Energies 14 (22), 7534, 2021
Ventilation strategy for proper IAQ in existing nurseries buildings-lesson learned from the research during COVID-19 pandemic
K Ratajczak
Aerosol and Air Quality Research 22 (3), 210337, 2022
Effect of Air Purifier Use in the Classrooms on Indoor Air Quality—Case Study
M Basińska, M Michałkiewicz, K Ratajczak
Atmosphere 12 (12), 1606, 2021
The use of a heat pump in a ventilation unit as an economical and ecological source of heat for the ventilation system of an indoor swimming pool facility
K Ratajczak, E Szczechowiak
Energies 13 (24), 6695, 2020
Incorporating an atrium as a HAVC element for energy consumption reduction and thermal comfort improvement in a Polish climate
K Ratajczak, K Bandurski, A Płóciennik
Energy and Buildings 277, 112592, 2022
Pilot test on pre-swim hygiene as a factor limiting trihalomethane precursors in pool water by reducing organic matter in an operational facility
K Ratajczak, A Pobudkowska
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (20), 7547, 2020
Wpływ przepływu powietrza na parowanie i straty konwekcyjne w krytych basenach kąpielowych
K Ratajczak, E Szczechowiak
Ciepłownictwo, Ogrzewnictwo, Wentylacja 41 (4), 141-148, 2010
Analiza możliwości stosowania systemu wentylacji zdecentralizowanej w budynkach edukacyjnych
Ł Amanowicz, K Ratajczak, E Szczechowiak
Instal, 2019
Disinfection by-products in swimming pool water and possibilities of limiting their impact on health of swimmers
K Ratajczak, A Piotrowska
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering 13 (3), 71-92, 2019
Analysis of selected input data impact on energy demand in office building-case study
J Sinacka, K Ratajczak
MATEC Web of Conferences 222, 01015, 2018
Różnica między obliczeniowym i pomiarowym wykorzystaniem energii do ogrzewania w budynkach wielorodzinnych
K Bandurski, K Ratajczak, Ł Amanowicz
Ciepłownictwo, Ogrzewnictwo, Wentylacja 52, 2021
Praktyczne aspekty projektowania energooszczędnych systemów wentylacyjnych
Ł Amanowicz, K Ratajczak
Rynek Instalacyjny, 2021
Stosowanie odzysku ciepła, OZE oraz zdecentralizowanych systemów wentylacyjnych w kontekście wymagań WT 2021
Ł Amanowicz, K Ratajczak
Rynek Instalacyjny, 2021
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Articles 1–20