Cristina Ugolini
Cristina Ugolini
Associate Professor of Public Economics, University of Bologna
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Does the extension of primary care practice opening hours reduce the use of emergency services?
ML Bruni, I Mammi, C Ugolini
Journal of Health Economics 50, 144-155, 2016
Economic incentives in general practice: the impact of pay-for-participation and pay-for-compliance programs on diabetes care
ML Bruni, L Nobilio, C Ugolini
Health policy 90 (2-3), 140-148, 2009
Incentives in primary care and their impact on potentially avoidable hospital admissions
G Fiorentini, E Iezzi, M Lippi Bruni, C Ugolini
The European Journal of Health Economics 12, 297-309, 2011
The role of GP's compensation schemes in diabetes care: evidence from panel data
E Iezzi, ML Bruni, C Ugolini
Journal of Health Economics 34, 104-120, 2014
Health systems and health reform in Europe
M Lisac, K Blum, S Schlette, H Maarse, Y Bartholomée, D McDaid, ...
Intereconomics 43 (4), 184-218, 2008
Price changes in regulated healthcare markets: do public hospitals respond and how?
R Verzulli, G Fiorentini, M Lippi Bruni, C Ugolini
Health economics 26 (11), 1429-1446, 2017
Risk adjustment for coronary artery bypass graft surgery: an administrative approach versus EuroSCORE
C Ugolini, L Nobilio
International Journal for Quality in Health Care 16 (2), 157-164, 2004
Selective referrals in a ‘hub and spoke’institutional setting: the case of coronary angioplasty procedures
L Nobilio, C Ugolini
Health Policy 63 (1), 95-107, 2003
The analysis of a cardiological network in a regulated setting: a spatial interaction approach
M Lippi Bruni, L Nobilio, C Ugolini
Health Economics 17 (2), 221-233, 2008
Il ruolo delle mutue sanitarie integrative
M Lippi Bruni, S Rago, C Ugolini
Il Mulino, 2012
Delegating Home Care for the Elderly to External Caregivers? An Empirical Study on Italian Data
M Lippi Bruni, C Ugolini
Quaderni-Working Paper DSE, 2013
Libertà di scelta in sanità
C Ugolini
Il mulino, 1999
Should I wait or should I go? Travelling versus waiting for better healthcare
ML Bruni, C Ugolini, R Verzulli
Regional Science and Urban Economics 89, 103697, 2021
Vertical integration and contractual network in the cardiovascular sector: the experience of the Italian region Emilia Romagna
C Ugolini, L Nobilio
International journal of integrated care 3 (2), 2003
Verso una rilettura del modello di concorrenza amministrata
C Ugolini
La rivista delle politiche sociali 4, 197-212, 2004
Reorganizing territorial healthcare to avoid inappropriate ED visits: does the spread of Community Health Centres make Walk-in-Clinics redundant?
C Ugolini, AC Leucci, L Nobilio, G Bertè
BMC Health Services Research 20, 1-11, 2020
Different regional organisational models and the quality of health care: the case of coronary artery bypass graft surgery
L Nobilio, C Ugolini
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 8 (1), 25-32, 2003
Mobilità sanitaria ed indici di entropia
C Ugolini, D Fabbri
Management ed Economia Sanitaria (MECOSAN) 26, 9-24, 1998
GPs and hospital expenditures. Should we keep expenditure containment programs alive?
G Fiorentini, ML Bruni, C Ugolini
Social Science & Medicine 82, 10-20, 2013
Matrici di mobilità per DRGs: analisi descrittiva ed applicazioni per la programmazione e le politiche sanitarie regionali
G Degli Esposti, M Rimondi, G Virgilio, C Ugolini
Mecosan 19, 53-62, 1996
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