Paul-Antoine Hervieux
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Cited by
Quantum hydrodynamic model for the nonlinear electron dynamics in thin metal films
N Crouseilles, PA Hervieux, G Manfredi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (15), 155412, 2008
The GBAR antimatter gravity experiment
P Perez, D Banerjee, F Biraben, D Brook-Roberge, M Charlton, P Cladé, ...
Hyperfine Interactions 233, 21-27, 2015
Autoresonant control of the many-electron dynamics in nonparabolic quantum wells
G Manfredi, PA Hervieux
Applied Physics Letters 91 (6), 2007
Dynamics in electron-impact ionization of
DS Milne-Brownlie, SJ Cavanagh, B Lohmann, C Champion, PA Hervieux, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 69 (3), 032701, 2004
Breather mode in the many-electron dynamics of semiconductor quantum wells
F Haas, G Manfredi, PK Shukla, PA Hervieux
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (7), 073301, 2009
Electron impact ionization of water molecule
C Champion, J Hanssen, PA Hervieux
The Journal of chemical physics 117 (1), 197-204, 2002
The Gbar project, or how does antimatter fall?
P Indelicato, G Chardin, P Grandemange, D Lunney, V Manea, ...
Hyperfine Interactions 228, 141-150, 2014
Influence of molecular orientation on the multiple differential cross sections for the process on a water molecule
C Champion, J Hanssen, PA Hervieux
Physical Review A 63 (5), 052720, 2001
Statistical fragmentation of hot atomic metal clusters
DHE Gross, PA Hervieux
Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 35, 27-42, 1995
Fragmentation of highly excited small neutral carbon clusters
G Martinet, S Diaz-Tendero, M Chabot, K Wohrer, SD Negra, F Mezdari, ...
Physical review letters 93 (6), 063401, 2004
Theoretical differential and total cross sections of water-molecule ionization by electron impact
C Champion, J Hanssen, PA Hervieux
Physical Review A 65 (2), 022710, 2002
ion production from collisions between antiprotons and excited positronium: cross sections calculations in the framework of the GBAR experiment
P Comini, PA Hervieux
New Journal of Physics 15 (9), 095022, 2013
Evaporation of hot mesoscopic atomic metal clusters
PA Hervieux, DHE Gross
Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 33, 295-299, 1995
Differential and total cross sections of simple polyatomic molecules
C Champion, J Hanssen, PA Hervieux
The Journal of chemical physics 121 (19), 9423-9429, 2004
Foldy–Wouthuysen transformation applied to the interaction of an electron with ultrafast electromagnetic fields
Y Hinschberger, PA Hervieux
Physics Letters A 376 (6-7), 813-819, 2012
Statistical fragmentation of small neutral carbon clusters
S Díaz-Tendero, PA Hervieux, M Alcamí, F Martín
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (3), 033202, 2005
Ionization of the cytosine molecule by protons: Ab initio calculation of differential and total cross sections
C Dal Cappello, PA Hervieux, I Charpentier, F Ruiz-Lopez
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (4), 042702, 2008
Electron capture and excitation in proton- collisions at low velocities
MF Politis, PA Hervieux, J Hanssen, ME Madjet, F Martin
Physical Review A 58 (1), 367, 1998
Magnetic moment generation in small gold nanoparticles via the plasmonic inverse Faraday effect
J Hurst, PM Oppeneer, G Manfredi, PA Hervieux
Physical Review B 98 (13), 134439, 2018
Angular asymmetry and attosecond time delay from the giant plasmon resonance in photoionization
T Barillot, C Cauchy, PA Hervieux, M Gisselbrecht, SE Canton, ...
Physical Review A 91 (3), 033413, 2015
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Articles 1–20