Habtemu Jarso Hebo
Habtemu Jarso Hebo
Lecturer of Epidemiology, Madda Walabu University
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Survival status and predictors of mortality in severely malnourished children admitted to Jimma University Specialized Hospital from 2010 to 2012, Jimma, Ethiopia: a …
H Jarso, A Workicho, F Alemseged
BMC pediatrics 15, 1-13, 2015
Hepatitis B and C viral infection: Prevalence, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and Occupational Exposure among Healthcare Workers of Jimma University Medical Centre, Southwest …
HJ Hebo, DH Gemeda, KA Abdusemed
The Scientific World Journal 2019, 2019
Prevalence of disrespect and abuse during facility based child birth and associated factors, Jimma University Medical Center, Southwest Ethiopia
S Ahmed, T Woubishet, H Habtemu
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 19, 185, 2019
Predictors of virological treatment failure among adult HIV patients on first-line antiretroviral therapy in Woldia and Dessie hospitals, Northeast Ethiopia: a case-control study
M Ahmed, H Merga, H Jarso
BMC Infectious Diseases 19, 305, 2019
Exclusive breastfeeding cessation and associated factors among employed mothers in Dukem town, Central Ethiopia
T Kebede, K Woldemichael, H Jarso, BB Bekele
International breastfeeding journal 15, 1-10, 2020
Prevalence of anemia and associated factors among “apparently healthy” urban and rural residents in Ethiopia: a comparative cross-sectional study
TS Tesfaye, F Tessema, H Jarso
Journal of Blood Medicine, 89-96, 2020
Nutritional status and associated factors among primary school adolescents of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities, Mieso Woreda, Somali Region, Ethiopia: A comparative cross …
AA Awel, TB Lema, HJ Hebo
Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 8 (11), 297-310, 2016
Determinants of Drug-Related Problems among Ambulatory Type 2 Diabetes Patients with Hypertension Comorbidity in Southwest Ethiopia: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Study
TA Mohammed Yimama, Habtemu Jarso
BMC Res Notes 11, 679, 2018
Malnutrition and associated factors among adult individuals receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy in health facilities of Hosanna Town, Southern Ethiopia
M Asnakew
Open Access Library Journal 2 (01), 1, 2015
Prevalence of low self-esteem and mental distress among undergraduate medical students in Jimma University: a cross-sectional study
NW Gidi, A Horesa, H Jarso, W Tesfaye, GT Tucho, MA Siraneh, J Abafita
Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences 31 (3), 2021
Immunological outcomes of Tenofovir versus Zidovudine-based regimens among people living with HIV/AIDS: a two years retrospective cohort study
T Ayele, H Jarso, G Mamo
AIDS research and therapy 14, 1-9, 2017
Prevalence of Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Associated Factors Among Pregnant Women at Jimma University Medical Center, South West Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study
H Segni, D Ayana, H Jarso
EC Gynaecology 3, 376-387, 2016
Grand Multiparity and Pregnancy Related Complications among Women Who Gave Birth at Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Jimma, Southwest Ethiopia
YA Aragaw, M Mahtemsilllasie, H Jarso
Gynecol Obstet (Sunnyvale) 7 (4), 438, 2017
Virological and immunological antiretroviral treatment failure and predictors among HIV positive adult and adolescent clients in southeast Ethiopia
A Mamo, T Assefa, W Negash, Y Takelign, B Sahiledinigl, Z Teferu, ...
HIV/AIDS-Research and Palliative Care, 73-85, 2022
Rheumatic heart disease patients’ adherence to secondary prophylaxis and associated factors at hospitals in jimma zone, Southwest Ethiopia: a multicenter study
A Adem, T Dukessa Gemechu, H Jarso, W Reta
Patient preference and adherence, 2399-2406, 2020
Clinical outcomes of tenofovir versus zidovudine-based regimens among people living with HIV/AIDS: a two years retrospective cohort study
T Ayele, H Jarso, G Mamo
The open AIDS journal 11, 1, 2017
Assessment of intestinal parasites, enteric bacterial infections, and antimicrobial susceptibility among street food handlers in Jimma town, southwest Ethiopia
T Gemechu, T Eshetu, T Kassa, H Jarso
Journal of Tropical Medicine 2022 (1), 5483367, 2022
Determinants of undernutrition among adult people on antiretroviral therapy in Goba Hospital, Southeast Ethiopia: A case–control study
FS Kalil, T Kabeta, H Jarso, M Hasen, J Ahmed, S Kabeta
Nutrition and Dietary Supplements, 223-236, 2020
Prevalence, and Pattern of LARC Use in Immediate Postpartum Period at Jimma University Medical Center, Ethiopia [18f]
W Arero, W Teka, H Jarso
Obstetrics & Gynecology 131, 68S, 2018
Glycemic control among ambulatory type 2 diabetes patients with hypertension Co-morbidity in a developing country: A cross sectional study
M Yimam, TA Desse, HJ Hebo
Heliyon 6 (12), 2020
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Articles 1–20