Simone Alioli
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Cited by
A general framework for implementing NLO calculations in shower Monte Carlo programs: the POWHEG BOX
S Alioli, P Nason, C Oleari, E Re
Journal of High Energy Physics 2010 (6), 1-58, 2010
NLO single-top production matched with shower in POWHEG: s-and t-channel contributions
S Alioli, P Nason, C Oleari, E Re
Journal of High Energy Physics 2009 (09), 111, 2009
NLO vector-boson production matched with shower in POWHEG
S Alioli, P Nason, C Oleari, E Re
Journal of High Energy Physics 2008 (07), 060, 2008
NLO Higgs boson production via gluon fusion matched with shower in POWHEG
S Alioli, P Nason, C Oleari, E Re
Journal of High Energy Physics 2009 (04), 002, 2009
FCC-ee: The lepton collider: Future circular collider conceptual design report volume 2
AEA Abada, M Abbrescia, SS AbdusSalam, I Abdyukhanov, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 228, 261-623, 2019
The PDF4LHC working group interim report
S Alekhin, S Alioli, RD Ball, V Bertone, J Blumlein, M Botje, J Butterworth, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1101.0536, 2011
Higgs physics at the HL-LHC and HE-LHC
M Cepeda, S Gori, P Ilten, M Kado, F Riva, RA Khalek, A Aboubrahim, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.00134, 2019
Jet pair production in POWHEG
S Alioli, K Hamilton, P Nason, C Oleari, E Re
Journal of High Energy Physics 2011 (4), 1-41, 2011
FCC physics opportunities
A Abada, M Abbrescia, SS AbdusSalam, I Abdyukhanov, JA Fernandez, ...
The European Physical Journal C 79 (6), 1-161, 2019
Hadronic top-quark pair-production with one jet and parton showering
S Alioli, SO Moch, P Uwer
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (1), 1-37, 2012
Vector boson plus one jet production in POWHEG
S Alioli, P Nason, C Oleari, E Re
Journal of High Energy Physics 2011 (1), 1-25, 2011
Drell-Yan production at matched to parton showers
S Alioli, CW Bauer, C Berggren, FJ Tackmann, JR Walsh
Physical Review D 92 (9), 094020, 2015
The PDF4LHC working group interim report (2011)
S Alekhin, S Alioli, RD Ball, V Bertone, J Blümlein
arXiv preprint arXiv:1101.0536 178, 0
Combining higher-order resummation with multiple NLO calculations and parton showers in GENEVA
S Alioli, CW Bauer, C Berggren, A Hornig, FJ Tackmann, CK Vermilion, ...
Journal of high energy physics 2013 (9), 1-61, 2013
A new observable to measure the top-quark mass at hadron colliders
S Alioli, P Fernandez, J Fuster, A Irles, S Moch, P Uwer, M Vos
The European Physical Journal C 73 (5), 2438, 2013
HE-LHC: the high-energy large hadron collider: future circular collider conceptual design report volume 4
A Abada, M Abbrescia, SS AbdusSalam, I Abdyukhanov, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 228, 1109-1382, 2019
Update of the Binoth Les Houches Accord for a standard interface between Monte Carlo tools and one-loop programs
S Alioli, S Badger, J Bellm, B Biedermann, F Boudjema, G Cullen, ...
Computer Physics Communications 185 (2), 560-571, 2014
Right-handed charged currents in the era of the Large Hadron Collider
S Alioli, V Cirigliano, W Dekens, J de Vries, E Mereghetti
Journal of High Energy Physics 2017 (5), 1-73, 2017
Matching fully differential NNLO calculations and parton showers
S Alioli, CW Bauer, C Berggren, FJ Tackmann, JR Walsh, S Zuberi
Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 (6), 1-52, 2014
Precision studies of observables in and processes at the LHC
S Alioli, AB Arbuzov, DY Bardin, L Barzè, C Bernaciak, SG Bondarenko, ...
The European Physical Journal C 77, 1-53, 2017
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Articles 1–20