Jakub Herman
Jakub Herman
Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego
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Cited by
High birefringence liquid crystals
R Dąbrowski, P Kula, J Herman
Crystals 3 (3), 443-482, 2013
High birefringence bistolane liquid crystals: synthesis and properties
D Węgłowska, P Kula, J Herman
RSC advances 6 (1), 403-408, 2016
Design of new super-high birefringent isothiocyanato bistolanes–synthesis and properties
J Herman, P Kula
Liquid Crystals 44 (9), 1462-1467, 2017
Cd1− X ZnXS/ZnS core/shell quantum dots in nematic liquid crystals to improve material parameter for better performance of liquid crystal based devices
A Rastogi, G Pathak, A Srivastava, J Herman, R Manohar
Journal of Molecular Liquids 255, 93-101, 2018
Study of an interesting physical mechanism of memory effect in nematic liquid crystal dispersed with quantum dots
A Rastogi, K Agrahari, G Pathak, A Srivastava, J Herman, R Manohar
Liquid Crystals 46 (5), 725-735, 2019
Novel high birefringent isothiocyanates based on quaterphenyl and phenylethynyltolane molecular cores
J Herman, J Dziaduszek, R Dąbrowski, J Kędzierski, K Kowiorski, ...
Liquid Crystals 40 (9), 1174-1182, 2013
Low aberration and fast switching microlenses based on a novel liquid crystal mixture
JF Algorri, N Bennis, J Herman, P Kula, V Urruchi, JM Sánchez-Pena
Optics Express 25 (13), 14795-14808, 2017
Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of laterally substituted 4, 4′′′-dialkyl-p-quaterphenyls
P Kula, J Herman, S Pluczyk, P Harmata, G Mangelinckx, J Beeckman
Liquid Crystals 41 (4), 503-513, 2014
Synthesis and properties of terphenyl-and quaterphenyl-based chiral diesters
P Kula, J Herman, O Chojnowska
Liquid Crystals 40 (1), 83-90, 2013
The synthesis and properties of fluoro-substituted analogues of 4-butyl-4′-[(4-butylphenyl) ethynyl] biphenyls
P Kula, A Aptacy, J Herman, W Wójciak, S Urban
Liquid Crystals 40 (4), 482-491, 2013
Terahertz properties of fluorinated liquid crystals
U Chodorow, J Parka, P Kula, J Herman, O Chojnowska, R Dabrowski, ...
Liquid Crystals 40 (11), 1586-1590, 2013
Synthesis and properties of chosen 4-butyl-phenyltolane derivatives–on the influence of core substitution on birefringence, mesomorphic and dielectric properties
J Herman, P Harmata, O Strzeżysz, M Czerwiński, S Urban, P Kula
Journal of Molecular Liquids 267, 511-519, 2018
Analysis of electro-optical and dielectric parameters of TiO2 nanoparticles dispersed nematic liquid crystal
R Katiyar, G Pathak, A Srivastava, J Herman, R Manohar
Soft Materials 16 (2), 126-133, 2018
Self-assembling behaviour of chiral calamitic monoacrylates targeted for polymer stabilisation of polar smectic phases in chiral liquid crystals
E Dmochowska, J Herman, M Czerwiński, S Stulov, A Bubnov, P Kula
Journal of Molecular Liquids 331, 115723, 2021
InP/ZnS quantum-dot-dispersed nematic liquid crystal illustrating characteristic birefringence and enhanced electro-optical parameters
A Roy, G Pathak, J Herman, SR Inamdar, A Srivastava, R Manohar
Applied Physics A 124, 1-8, 2018
Nematic compounds and mixtures with high negative dielectric anisotropy
R Dąbrowski, J Dziaduszek, K Garbat, S Urban, M Filipowicz, J Herman, ...
Liquid Crystals 44 (10), 1534-1548, 2017
Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in polar fluid–heliconical ferroelectric nematic phase
J Karcz, J Herman, N Rychłowicz, P Kula, E Górecka, J Szydlowska, ...
Science 384 (6700), 1096-1099, 2024
Polymer stabilized highly tilted antiferroelectric liquid crystals-the influence of monomer structure and phase sequence of base mixtures
M Czerwiński, MG de Blas, N Bennis, J Herman, E Dmochowska, JM Otón
Journal of Molecular Liquids 327, 114869, 2021
Relaxation frequencies for flip-flop rotation of three-and four-ring compounds and dual frequency addressing mixtures with high birefringence
R Dąbrowski, S Urban, M Celiński, J Herman, K Garbat, O Chojnowska, ...
Liquid Crystals 42 (3), 344-360, 2015
Fast-response halogenated 4-alkyl-4′′-cyano-p-terphenyls as dual frequency addressing nematics
D Węgłowska, M Czerwiński, P Kula, M Mrukiewicz, R Mazur, J Herman
Fluid Phase Equilibria 522, 112770, 2020
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Articles 1–20