Maozai Tian
Maozai Tian
Professor of Statistics, Renmin University of China
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Cited by
Transmuted linear exponential distribution: A new generalization of the linear exponential distribution
Y Tian, M Tian, Q Zhu
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 43 (10), 2661-2677, 2014
Bayesian quantile regression for longitudinal data models
Y Luo, H Lian, M Tian
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 82 (11), 1635-1649, 2012
Variable selection in high-dimensional partially linear additive models for composite quantile regression
J Guo, M Tang, M Tian, K Zhu
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 65, 56-67, 2013
Linear quantile regression based on EM algorithm
Y Tian, M Tian, Q Zhu
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 43 (16), 3464-3484, 2014
A quantile regression analysis of family background factor effects on mathematical achievement
M Tian
Journal of data science 4 (4), 461-478, 2006
New efficient and robust estimation in varying-coefficient models with heteroscedasticity
J Guo, M Tian, K Zhu
Statistica Sinica, 1075-1101, 2012
Hierarchical linear regression models for conditional quantiles
M Tian, G Chen
Science in China Series A: Mathematics 49, 1800-1815, 2006
Estimation of linear composite quantile regression using EM algorithm
Y Tian, Q Zhu, M Tian
Statistics & Probability Letters 117, 183-191, 2016
Confidence intervals for the risk ratio under inverse sampling
M Tian, ML Tang, HKT Ng, PS Chan
Statistics in Medicine 27 (17), 3301-3324, 2008
Bayesian joint quantile regression for mixed effects models with censoring and errors in covariates
Y Tian, E Li, M Tian
Computational Statistics 31, 1031-1057, 2016
Estimation for mixed exponential distributions under type-II progressively hybrid censored samples
Y Tian, Q Zhu, M Tian
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 89, 85-96, 2015
Effects and Interaction of Meteorological Factors on Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Urumqi, China, 2013–2019
LP Nie, Y. W., Lu, Y. Q., Wang, C. C., Yang, Z., Sun, Y. H., Zhang, Y. X ...
Frontiers in Public Health 10, 1-10, 2022
Analysis of the spread of COVID-19 in the USA with a spatio-temporal multivariate time series model
R Rui, M Tian, ML Tang, GTS Ho, CH Wu
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (2), 774, 2021
Quantile regression for general spatial panel data models with fixed effects
X Dai, Z Yan, M Tian, ML Tang
Journal of Applied Statistics 47 (1), 45-60, 2020
Bayesian composite quantile regression for linear mixed-effects models
Y Tian, H Lian, M Tian
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 46 (15), 7717-7731, 2017
Inference for mixed generalized exponential distribution under progressively type-II censored samples
Y Tian, Q Zhu, M Tian
Journal of Applied Statistics 41 (3), 660-676, 2014
A new generalized linear exponential distribution and its applications
Y Tian, M Tian, Q Zhu
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series 30 (4), 1049-1062, 2014
Asymptotic confidence interval construction for risk difference under inverse sampling
ML Tang, M Tian
Computational statistics & data analysis 53 (3), 621-631, 2009
Bayesian local influence for spatial autoregressive models with heteroscedasticity
X Dai, L Jin, M Tian, L Shi
Statistical Papers 60, 1423-1446, 2019
Estimating a finite mixed exponential distribution under progressively type-II censored data
Y Tian, M Tian, Q Zhu
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 43 (17), 3762-3776, 2014
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Articles 1–20