Professor of Informatic, Al-Baath university
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Cited by
A taxonomy of the parameters used by decision methods for adaptive video transmission
E Dedu, W Ramadan, J Bourgeois
Multimedia Tools and Applications 74 (9), 2963-2989, 2015
RELD, RTT ECN Loss Differentiation to optimize the performance of transport protocols on wireless networks
W Ramadan, E Dedu, D Dhoutaut, J Bourgeois
Telecommunication Systems 52, 1797-1817, 2013
Avoiding quality oscillations during adaptive streaming of video
W Ramadan, E Dedu, J Bourgeois
International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications …, 2011
EcnLD, ECN loss differentiation to optimize the performance of transport protocols on wireless networks
W Ramadan, E Dedu, J Bourgeois
2009 International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications & Workshops …, 2009
VAAL, video adaptation at application layer and experiments using DCCP
W Ramadan, E Dedu, J Bourgeois
WPMC 2010, 13-th Int. Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia …, 2010
Oscillation-free video adaptation at application layer on server side and experiments using DCCP
W Ramadan, E Dedu, J Bourgeois
The Computer Journal 57 (8), 1195-1210, 2014
Avoiding zigzag quality switching in real content adaptive video streaming
W Ramadan, E Dedu, J Bourgeois
Digital Information and Communication Technology and Its Applications …, 2011
Une méthode de différenciation de pertes pour améliorer la performance des protocoles de transport sur réseaux sans-fil
W Ramadan, E Dedu, J Bourgeois
JDIR, 10èmes Journées doctorales en informatique et réseaux, 128-133, 0
TSHD: Topic Segmentation Based on Headings Detection (Case Study: Resumes)
ME Tannous, WH Ramadan, MA Rajab
Advances in Human‐Computer Interaction 2023 (1), 6044007, 2023
Amélioration de la transmission de contenus vidéo et de données dans les réseaux sans-fil
W Ramadan
Université de Franche-Comté, 2011
Research Article TSHD: Topic Segmentation Based on Headings Detection (Case Study: Resumes)
ME Tannous, WH Ramadan, MA Rajab
تحديد عتبة التصنيف المثلى ديناميكياً في أنظمة الكشف المبكر عن الشذوذ القائمة على التعلم العميق
المهندس علي ياسين
سلسلة العلوم الهندسية الميكانيكية و الكهربائية و المعلوماتية 44 (4), 2022
تحديد التوليفة الأمثل من ضبط البارامترات الفائقة واختيار الميزات لتحسين أداء أنظمة كشف الشذوذ
المهندس علي ياسين, الدكتور كمال السلوم الدكتور وسيم رمضان
سلسلة العلوم الهندسية الميكانيكية و الكهربائية و المعلوماتية 44 (5), 2022
Amélioration de la transmission de contenus vidéo et de données dans les réseaux sans-fil.(Improving the transmission of video and data in wireless networks).
W Ramadan
University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France, 2011
VAAL, Video Adaptation at Application Layer and Experiments using DCCP
WREDJ Bourgeois
EcnLD, ECN Loss Differentiation to optimize the performance of transport protocols on wireless networks
WREDJ Bourgeois
Une méthode de différenciation de pertes pour améliorer la performance des protocoles de transport sur réseaux sans-fil
WREDJ Bourgeois
Améliorer la qualité de la vidéo sur Internet
W Ramadan
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Articles 1–18