Claudia Perlich
Claudia Perlich
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Leakage in data mining: Formulation, detection, and avoidance
S Kaufman, S Rosset, C Perlich, O Stitelman
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 6 (4), 1-21, 2012
Tree induction vs. logistic regression: A learning-curve analysis
C Perlich, F Provost, J Simonoff
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2003
A market-based framework for bankruptcy prediction
AS Reisz, C Perlich
Journal of financial stability 3 (2), 85-131, 2007
Machine learning for targeted display advertising: Transfer learning in action
C Perlich, B Dalessandro, T Raeder, O Stitelman, F Provost
Machine learning 95 (1), 103-127, 2014
Bid optimizing and inventory scoring in targeted online advertising
C Perlich, B Dalessandro, R Hook, O Stitelman, T Raeder, F Provost
Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2012
Causally motivated attribution for online advertising
B Dalessandro, C Perlich, O Stitelman, F Provost
Proceedings of the sixth international workshop on data mining for online …, 2012
Distribution-based aggregation for relational learning with identifier attributes
C Perlich, F Provost
Machine Learning 62, 65-105, 2006
Spatial-temporal causal modeling for climate change attribution
AC Lozano, H Li, A Niculescu-Mizil, Y Liu, C Perlich, J Hosking, N Abe
Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2009
Aggregation-based feature invention and relational concept classes
C Perlich, F Provost
Proceedings of the ninth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2003
Learning Curves in Machine Learning.
C Perlich
Encyclopedia of machine learning, 577-580, 2010
Winning the KDD cup orange challenge with ensemble selection
A Niculescu-Mizil, C Perlich, G Swirszcz, V Sindhwani, Y Liu, P Melville, ...
KDD-Cup 2009 competition, 23-34, 2009
Ranking-based evaluation of regression models
S Rosset, C Perlich, B Zadrozny
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'05), 8 pp., 2005
Evaluating and optimizing online advertising: Forget the click, but there are good proxies
B Dalessandro, R Hook, C Perlich, F Provost
Big data 3 (2), 90-102, 2015
Predicting influence in social networks
RD Lawrence, E Meliksetian, P Melville, C Perlich, K Subbian
US Patent 9,031,888, 2015
Scalable hands-free transfer learning for online advertising
B Dalessandro, D Chen, T Raeder, C Perlich, M Han Williams, F Provost
Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2014
Design principles of massive, robust prediction systems
T Raeder, O Stitelman, B Dalessandro, C Perlich, F Provost
Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2012
Discovering knowledge from relational data extracted from business news
A Bernstein, S Clearwater, S Hill, C Perlich, F Provost
NYU Working Paper, 2002
Looking for great ideas: Analyzing the innovation jam
M Helander, R Lawrence, Y Liu, C Perlich, C Reddy, S Rosset
Proceedings of the 9th WebKDD and 1st SNA-KDD 2007 workshop on Web mining …, 2007
Medical data mining: insights from winning two competitions
S Rosset, C Perlich, G Świrszcz, P Melville, Y Liu
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 20, 439-468, 2010
The microsoft academic search dataset and kdd cup 2013
SB Roy, M De Cock, V Mandava, S Savanna, B Dalessandro, C Perlich, ...
Proceedings of the 2013 KDD cup 2013 workshop, 1-6, 2013
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Articles 1–20