Manmath Narayan Sahoo
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Cited by
METO: Matching-theory-based efficient task offloading in IoT-fog interconnection networks
C Swain, MN Sahoo, A Satpathy, K Muhammad, S Bakshi, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (16), 12705-12715, 2020
Dynamic resource allocation in fog-cloud hybrid systems using multicriteria AHP techniques
S Mishra, MN Sahoo, S Bakshi, JJPC Rodrigues
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (9), 8993-9000, 2020
Diagnosis of wireless sensor networks in presence of permanent and intermittent faults
MN Sahoo, PM Khilar
Wireless personal communications 78 (2), 1571-1591, 2014
Recent findings in intelligent computing techniques
PK Sa, S Bakshi, IK Hatzilygeroudis, MN Sahoo
Proceedings of the 5th ICACNI 1, 1, 2017
Hiding medical information in brain MR images without affecting accuracy of classifying pathological brain
S Devi, MN Sahoo, K Muhammad, W Ding, S Bakshi
Future Generation Computer Systems 99, 235-246, 2019
Nature-inspired cost optimisation for enterprise cloud systems using joint allocation of resources
S Mishra, MN Sahoo, A Kumar Sangaiah, S Bakshi
Enterprise Information Systems 15 (2), 174-196, 2021
Lip as biometric and beyond: a survey
DP Chowdhury, R Kumari, S Bakshi, MN Sahoo, A Das
Multimedia tools and applications 81 (3), 3831-3865, 2022
Distributed slot scheduling algorithm for hybrid CSMA/TDMA MAC in wireless sensor networks
MR Lenka, AR Swain, MN Sahoo
2016 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage …, 2016
SPATO: A student project allocation based task offloading in IoT-fog systems
C Swain, MN Sahoo, A Satpathy
ICC 2021-IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-6, 2021
A-dafto: Artificial cap deferred acceptance-based fair task offloading in complex iot-fog networks
C Swain, MN Sahoo, A Satpathy, K Muhammad, S Bakshi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 69 (4), 914-926, 2023
ReMatch: An efficient virtual data center re-matching strategy based on matching theory
A Satpathy, MN Sahoo, L Behera, C Swain
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 16 (2), 1373-1386, 2022
LETO: An efficient load balanced strategy for task offloading in IoT-fog systems
C Swain, MN Sahoo, A Satpathy
2021 IEEE international conference on web services (ICWS), 459-464, 2021
A service sustainable live migration strategy for multiple virtual machines in cloud data centers
A Satpathy, MN Sahoo, A Mishra, B Majhi, JJPC Rodrigues, S Bakshi
Big Data Research 25, 100213, 2021
A redundant neighborhood approach to tolerate access point failure in IEEE 802.11 WLAN
MN Sahoo, PM Khilar, B Majhi
2009 International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS …, 2009
Pareto-optimal cost optimization for large scale cloud systems using joint allocation of resources
S Mishra, AK Sangaiah, MN Sahoo, S Bakshi
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14 (11), 15375-15393, 2023
A novel privacy-supporting 2-class classification technique for brain MRI images
S Devi, MN Sahoo, S Bakshi
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 40 (3), 1022-1035, 2020
Progress in intelligent computing techniques: theory, practice, and applications
PK Sa, MN Sahoo, M Murugappan, Y Wu, B Majhi
Proceedings of ICACNI 2, 2017
CoMap: An efficient virtual network re-mapping strategy based on coalitional matching theory
A Satpathy, MN Sahoo, AK Sangaiah, C Swain, S Bakshi
Computer Networks 216, 109248, 2022
Vmatch: A matching theory based vdc reconfiguration strategy
A Satpathy, MN Sahoo, L Behera, C Swain, A Mishra
2020 IEEE 13th international conference on cloud computing (CLOUD), 133-140, 2020
VRMap: A cost and time aware remapping of virtual data centres over a geo-distributed infrastructure
A Satpathy, MN Sahoo, L Chottray, B Majhi, A Mishra, S Bakshi
2020 International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS …, 2020
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Articles 1–20