Noam Gidron
Cited by
Cited by
The politics of social status: Economic and cultural roots of the populist right
N Gidron, PA Hall
The British journal of sociology 68, S57-S84, 2017
Varieties of populism: Literature review and research agenda
N Gidron, B Bonikowski
Working Paper Series, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard …, 2013
Populism as a problem of social integration
N Gidron, PA Hall
Comparative Political Studies 53 (7), 1027-1059, 2020
The populist style in American politics: Presidential campaign discourse, 1952–1996
B Bonikowski, N Gidron
Social Forces 94 (4), 1593-1621, 2016
American Affective Polarization in Comparative Perspective
N Gidron
Cambridge University Press, 2020
Toward a comparative research agenda on affective polarization in mass publics
N Gidron, J Adams, W Horne
APSA Comparative Politics Newsletter 29, 30-36, 2019
Multiple traditions in populism research: Toward a theoretical synthesis
B Bonikowski, N Gidron
APSA Comparative Politics Newsletter 26 (12), 7-14, 2016
Do changes in material circumstances drive support for populist radical parties? Panel data evidence from The Netherlands during the Great Recession, 2007–2015
N Gidron, JJB Mijs
European Sociological Review 35 (5), 637-650, 2019
Center-right political parties in advanced democracies
N Gidron, D Ziblatt
Annual Review of Political Science 22 (1), 17-35, 2019
Who Dislikes Whom? Affective Polarization between Pairs of Parties in Western Democracies
N Gidron, J Adams, W Horne
British Journal of Political Science, 2022
Many ways to be right: Cross-pressured voters in Western Europe
N Gidron
British Journal of Political Science 52 (1), 146-161, 2022
How ideology, economics and institutions shape affective polarization in democratic polities
N Gidron, J Adams, W Horne
Annual conference of the American political science association, 2018
Intergroup behavioral strategies as contextually determined: Experimental evidence from Israel
RD Enos, N Gidron
The Journal of Politics 78 (3), 851-867, 2016
Exclusion and cooperation in diverse societies: Experimental evidence from Israel
RD Enos, N Gidron
American Political Science Review 112 (4), 742-757, 2018
Validating the feeling thermometer as a measure of partisan affect in multi-party systems
N Gidron, L Sheffer, G Mor
Electoral Studies 80, 102542, 2022
The way we were: how histories of co-governance alleviate partisan hostility
W Horne, J Adams, N Gidron
Comparative Political Studies 56 (3), 299-325, 2023
Can’t we all just get along? How women MPs can ameliorate affective polarization in Western publics
J Adams, D Bracken, N Gidron, W Horne, DZ O’BRIEN, K Senk
American Political Science Review 117 (1), 318-324, 2023
Why Israeli democracy is in crisis
N Gidron
Journal of Democracy 34 (3), 33-45, 2023
Decomposing the Rise of the Populist Radical Right
O Danieli, N Gidron, S Kikuchi, R Levy
Available at SSRN 4255937, 2022
The Israel polarization panel dataset, 2019–2021
N Gidron, L Sheffer, G Mor
Electoral Studies 80, 102512, 2022
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Articles 1–20