Amir Nourmohammadi
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Cited by
Balancing and scheduling assembly lines with human-robot collaboration tasks
A Nourmohammadi, M Fathi, AHC Ng
Computers & Operations Research, 105674, 2022
Assembly line balancing by a new multi-objective differential evolution algorithm based on TOPSIS
A Nourmohammadi, M Zandieh
International Journal of Production Research 49 (10), 2833-2855, 2011
An imperialist competitive algorithm for multi-objective U-type assembly line design
A Nourmohammadi, M Zandieh, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
Journal of Computational Science 4 (5), 393-400, 2013
Design of stochastic assembly lines considering line balancing and part feeding with supermarkets
A Nourmohammadi, H Eskandari, M Fathi
Engineering Optimization 51 (1), 63-83, 2019
An improved genetic algorithm with variable neighborhood search to solve the assembly line balancing problem
M Fathi, A Nourmohammadi, AHC Ng, A Syberfeldt, H Eskandari
Engineering Computations 37 (2), 501-521, 2020
Integrated locating in-house logistics areas and transport vehicles selection problem in assembly lines
A Nourmohammadi, H Eskandari, M Fathi, AHC Ng
International Journal of Production Research 59 (2), 598-616, 2021
An optimization model for balancing assembly lines with stochastic task times and zoning constraints
M Fathi, A Nourmohammadi, AHC Ng, A Syberfeldt
IEEE Access 7, 32537-32550, 2019
Assembly line design considering line balancing and part feeding
A Nourmohammadi, H Eskandari
Assembly Automation 37 (1), 135-143, 2017
A water-flow like algorithm for solving U-shaped assembly line balancing problems
A Nourmohammadi, M Fathi, M Zandieh, M Ghobakhloo
IEEE Access 7, 129824-129833, 2019
Multi-objective optimization of mixed-model assembly lines incorporating musculoskeletal risks assessment using digital human modeling
A Nourmohammadi, AHC Ng, M Fathi, J Vollebregt, L Hanson
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 47, 71-85, 2023
Production sustainability via supermarket location optimization in assembly lines
M Fathi, A Nourmohammadi, M Ghobakhloo, M Yousefi
Sustainability 12 (11), 4728, 2020
An integrated model for cost-oriented assembly line balancing and parts feeding with supermarkets
A Nourmohammadi, H Eskandari, M Fathi, MR Bourani
Procedia Cirp 72, 381-385, 2018
A genetic algorithm for heterogenous human-robot collaboration assembly line balancing problems
A Nourmohammadi, M Fathi, AHC Ng, E Mahmoodi
Procedia CiRP 107, 1444-1448, 2022
Balancing and scheduling human-robot collaborated assembly lines with layout and objective consideration
A Nourmohammadi, M Fathi, AHC Ng
Computers & industrial engineering 187, 109775, 2024
Choosing efficient meta-heuristics to solve the assembly line balancing problem: A landscape analysis approach
A Nourmohammadi, M Fathi, AHC Ng
Procedia CIRP 81, 1248-1253, 2019
A mathematical model for supermarket location problem with stochastic station demands
A Nourmohammadi, H Eskandari, M Fathi, M Aghdasi
Procedia CIRP 72, 444-449, 2018
An enhanced simulation-based multi-objective optimization approach with knowledge discovery for reconfigurable manufacturing systems
CA Barrera-Diaz, A Nourmohammadi, H Smedberg, T Aslam, AHC Ng
Mathematics 11 (6), 1527, 2023
Multi-objective optimisation of tool indexing problem: a mathematical model and a modified genetic algorithm
K Amouzgar, A Nourmohammadi, AHC Ng
International Journal of Production Research 59 (12), 3572-3590, 2021
Decreasing the crane working time in retrieving the containers from a bay
E Azari, H Eskandari, A Nourmohammadi
Scientia Iranica 24 (1), 309-318, 2017
Multi-objective optimization of cycle time and robot energy expenditure in human-robot collaborated assembly lines
A Nourmohammadi, M Fathi, T Arbaoui, I Slama
Procedia Computer Science 232, 1279-1288, 2024
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Articles 1–20