Shishir Maheshwari
Cited by
Cited by
Automated diagnosis of glaucoma using empirical wavelet transform and correntropy features extracted from fundus images
S Maheshwari, RB Pachori, UR Acharya
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 21 (3), 803-813, 2016
Iterative variational mode decomposition based automated detection of glaucoma using fundus images
S Maheshwari, RB Pachori, V Kanhangad, SV Bhandary, UR Acharya
Computers in biology and medicine 88, 142-149, 2017
CNN and LSTM based ensemble learning for human emotion recognition using EEG recordings
A Iyer, SS Das, R Teotia, S Maheshwari, RR Sharma
Multimedia Tools and Applications 82 (4), 4883-4896, 2023
EVDHM-ARIMA-based time series forecasting model and its application for COVID-19 cases
RR Sharma, M Kumar, S Maheshwari, KP Ray
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-10, 2020
Automated glaucoma diagnosis using bit-plane slicing and local binary pattern techniques
S Maheshwari, V Kanhangad, RB Pachori, SV Bhandary, UR Acharya
Computers in biology and medicine 105, 72-80, 2019
Automated Schizophrenia detection using local descriptors with EEG signals
TS Kumar, KN Rajesh, S Maheswari, V Kanhangad, UR Acharya
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 117, 105602, 2023
LBP-based information assisted intelligent system for COVID-19 identification
S Maheshwari, RR Sharma, M Kumar
Computers in biology and medicine 134, 104453, 2021
CNN-based approach for glaucoma diagnosis using transfer learning and LBP-based data augmentation
S Maheshwari, V Kanhangad, R Bilas Pachori, 2020
A comparison of local descriptor-based data augmentation techniques for glaucoma detection using retinal fundus images
S Maheshwari, TS Kumar
2022 E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB), 01-04, 2022
An empirical wavelet transform-based approach for motion artifact removal in electroencephalogram signals
AB Nayak, A Shah, S Maheshwari, V Anand, S Chakraborty, TS Kumar
Decision Analytics Journal 10, 100420, 2024
Image Mosaicing using Graph cut method
S Maheshwari
M. tech. Thesis, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, 2014
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology
S Maheshwari
India, 0
Bhandary Sulatha V, Rajendra Acharya U. Iterative variational mode decomposition based automated detection of glaucoma using fundus images
M Shishir, BP Ram, K Vivek
Comput Biol Med 88, 142-9, 2017
Mosaicing of images using Unsharp Masking algorithm for interest point detection
S Maheshwari, UC Pati
2014 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communications, Control and …, 2014
Advanced image analysis techniques for automated glaucoma diagnosis using retinal fundus images
S Maheshwari
Indore, 2020
An Overview of Recent Approaches in Brain–Computer Interface Systems Using Electroencephalography
S Maheswari, KN Rajesh, U Desai, KT Sunil
Human-Machine Interface Technology Advancements and Applications, 25-34, 2023
Automated Bleeding Detection and Classification in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy with YOLOv8-X
PC Shekar, V Kanhangad, S Maheshwari, TS Kumar
arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.16624, 2024
Schizophrenia detection using Entropy Difference-based Electroencephalogram Channel Selection Approach
TS Kumar, S Maheshwari, KN Rajesh
2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2024
Novel entropy difference-based EEG channel selection technique for automated detection of ADHD
S Maheshwari, KN Rajesh, V Kanhangad, UR Acharya, TS Kumar
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.09493, 2024
Dog population vis-a-vis dog bites in Jaipur city.
S Maheshwari, R Sharma
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Articles 1–20