Kira A. Cassidy
Kira A. Cassidy
Research Associate, Yellowstone Forever, Yellowstone National Park
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Cited by
Density‐dependent intraspecific aggression regulates survival in northern Yellowstone wolves (Canis lupus)
S Cubaynes, DR MacNulty, DR Stahler, KA Quimby, DW Smith, T Coulson
Journal of Animal Ecology 83 (6), 1344-1356, 2014
Group composition effects on aggressive interpack interactions of gray wolves in Yellowstone National Park
KA Cassidy, DR MacNulty, DR Stahler, DW Smith, LD Mech
Behavioral Ecology 26 (5), 1352-1360, 2015
Sexually dimorphic aggression indicates male gray wolves specialize in pack defense against conspecific groups
KA Cassidy, LD Mech, DR MacNulty, DR Stahler, DW Smith
Behavioural processes 136, 64-72, 2017
Infanticide in wolves: seasonality of mortalities and attacks at dens support evolution of territoriality
DW Smith, MC Metz, KA Cassidy, EE Stahler, RT McIntyre, ES Almberg, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 96 (6), 1174-1183, 2015
Yellowstone wolves: Science and discovery in the world's first national park
DW Smith, DR Stahler, DR MacNulty
University of Chicago Press, 2020
Implications of harvest on the boundaries of protected areas for large carnivore viewing opportunities
BL Borg, SM Arthur, NA Bromen, KA Cassidy, R McIntyre, DW Smith, ...
PLoS one 11 (4), e0153808, 2016
Parasitic infection increases risk-taking in a social, intermediate host carnivore
CJ Meyer, KA Cassidy, EE Stahler, EE Brandell, CB Anton, DR Stahler, ...
Communications Biology 5 (1), 1180, 2022
Do gray wolves (Canis lupus) support pack mates during aggressive inter-pack interactions?
KA Cassidy, RT McIntyre
Animal Cognition 19, 939-947, 2016
Human‐caused mortality triggers pack instability in gray wolves
KA Cassidy, BL Borg, KJ Klauder, MS Sorum, R Thomas‐Kuzilik, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 21 (8), 356-362, 2023
Heritability of interpack aggression in a wild pedigreed population of North American grey wolves
BM vonHoldt, AL DeCandia, E Heppenheimer, I Janowitz‐Koch, R Shi, ...
Molecular ecology 29 (10), 1764-1775, 2020
Social environment and genetics underlie body site‐specific microbiomes of Yellowstone National Park gray wolves (Canis lupus)
AL DeCandia, KA Cassidy, DR Stahler, EA Stahler, BM VonHoldt
Ecology and Evolution 11 (14), 9472-9488, 2021
Population dynamics and demography
DW Smith, KA Cassidy, DR Stahler, DR MacNulty, Q Harrison, B Balmford, ...
Yellowstone Wolves: Science and Discovery in the World’s First National, 77-92, 2020
Yellowstone National Park wolf project annual report 2017
D Smith, D Stahler, K Cassidy, E Stahler, M Metz, B Cassidy, L Koitzsch
National Park Service, Yellowstone Center for Resources, Yellowstone …, 2018
vonHoldt BM (2021)
AL DeCandia, EC Schrom, EE Brandell, DR Stahler
Sarcoptic mange severity is associated with reduced genomic variation and …, 0
Ecology of family dynamics in Yellowstone wolf packs
DR Stahler, DW Smith, KA Cassidy, EE Stahler, MC Metz, R McIntyre, ...
Yellowstone Wolves: Science and Discovery in the World’s First National, 42-60, 2020
Yellowstone National Park Wolf Project Annual Report 2014. National Park Service
D Smith, D Stahler, K Cassidy, E Stahler, M Metz, B Cassidy, E Cato
Yellowstone Center for Resources, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, YCR …, 2015
Larger territories reduce mortality risk for chimpanzees, wolves, and agents: Multiple lines of evidence in a model validation framework
KN Crouse, NP Desai, KA Cassidy, EE Stahler, CL Lehman, ML Wilson
Ecological Modelling 471, 110063, 2022
Wolf restoration in Yellowstone: reintroduction to recovery
DW Smith, DR Stahler, MC Metz, K Cassidy, E Stahler, E Almberg, ...
Yellowstone Science 24 (1), 6-11, 2016
Territoriality and inter-pack aggression in gray wolves: shaping a social carnivore's life history
KA Cassidy, DW Smith, LD Mech, DR MacNulty, DR Stahler, MC Metz
Yellowstone Science 24 (1), 37-42, 2016
A visual guide to wolf dentition and age determination
TJ Brasington, JM Hadley, DR Stahler, EE Stahler, KA Cassidy
Wildl Biology, https://www. researchgate. net/publication …, 2023
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Articles 1–20