Motoshi Saeki
Motoshi Saeki
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Cited by
ATTED-II: a database of co-expressed genes and cis elements for identifying co-regulated gene groups in Arabidopsis
T Obayashi, K Kinoshita, K Nakai, M Shibaoka, S Hayashi, M Saeki, ...
Nucleic acids research 35 (suppl_1), D863-D869, 2007
ATTED-II provides coexpressed gene networks for Arabidopsis
T Obayashi, S Hayashi, M Saeki, H Ohta, K Kinoshita
Nucleic acids research 37 (suppl_1), D987-D991, 2009
Meta-modelling based assembly techniques for situational method engineering
S Brinkkemper, M Saeki, F Harmsen
Information Systems 24 (3), 209-228, 1999
Using domain ontology as domain knowledge for requirements elicitation
H Kaiya, M Saeki
14th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'06), 189-198, 2006
AGORA: Attributed goal-oriented requirements analysis method
H Kaiya, H Horai, M Saeki
Proceedings IEEE joint international conference on requirements engineering …, 2002
Assembly techniques for method engineering
S Brinkkemper, M Saeki, F Harmsen
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 10th International Conference …, 1998
Ontology based requirements analysis: lightweight semantic processing approach
H Kaiya, M Saeki
Fifth international conference on quality software (QSIC'05), 223-230, 2005
COXPRESdb: a database of coexpressed gene networks in mammals
T Obayashi, S Hayashi, M Shibaoka, M Saeki, H Ohta, K Kinoshita
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl_1), D77-D82, 2007
Software development process from natural language specification
M Saeki, H Horai, H Enomoto
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Software engineering, 64-73, 1989
Improving the detection of requirements discordances among stakeholders
H Kaiya, D Shinbara, J Kawano, M Saeki
Requirements Engineering 10, 289-303, 2005
Embedding metrics into information systems development methods: An application of method engineering technique
M Saeki
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 15th International Conference …, 2003
A meta-model for representing software specification & design methods
M Saeki, K Iguchi, K Wen-yin, M Shinohara
Information System Development Process, 149-166, 1993
GOORE: Goal-oriented and ontology driven requirements elicitation method
M Shibaoka, H Kaiya, M Saeki
Advances in Conceptual Modeling–Foundations and Applications: ER 2007 …, 2007
On relationships among models, meta models and ontologies
M Saeki, H Kaiya
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 6th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific …, 2006
Evaluating software architectures by coloured petri nets
K Fukuzawa, M Saeki
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Software engineering and …, 2002
Comparison of four method engineering languages
F Harmsen, M Saeki
Method Engineering: Principles of method construction and tool support, 209-231, 1996
CAME: The first step to automated method engineering
M Saeki
Workshop on Process Engineering for Object-Oriented and Component-Based …, 2003
A method engineering language for the description of systems development methods
S Brinkkemper, M Saeki, F Harmsen
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 13th International Conference …, 2001
Specifying software specification & design methods
M Saeki, K Wenyin
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 6th International Conference …, 1994
Goal-oriented idea generation method for requirements elicitation
K Oshiro, K Watahiki, M Saeki
Proceedings. 11th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference …, 2003
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Articles 1–20