Noriaki Kaneda
Noriaki Kaneda
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Cited by
A broadband planar quasi-Yagi antenna
N Kaneda, WR Deal, Y Qian, R Waterhouse, T Itoh
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 50 (8), 1158-1160, 2002
A new quasi-Yagi antenna for planar active antenna arrays
WR Deal, N Kaneda, J Sor, Y Qian, T Itoh
IEEE transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 48 (6), 910-918, 2000
Microstrip-fed quasi-Yagi antenna with broadband characteristics
Y Qian, WR Deal, N Kaneda, T Itoh
Electronics Letters 34 (23), 2194-2196, 1998
Frequency estimation in intradyne reception
A Leven, N Kaneda, UV Koc, YK Chen
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 19 (6), 366-368, 2007
A broad-band microstrip-to-waveguide transition using quasi-Yagi antenna
N Kaneda, Y Qian, T Itoh
IEEE transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 47 (12), 2562-2567, 1999
FDTD analysis of dielectric resonators with curved surfaces
N Kaneda, B Houshmand, T Itoh
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 45 (9), 1645-1649, 1997
A 70–100 GHz direct-conversion transmitter and receiver phased array chipset demonstrating 10 Gb/s wireless link
S Shahramian, Y Baeyens, N Kaneda, YK Chen
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 48 (5), 1113-1125, 2013
A uniplanar quasi-Yagi antenna with wide bandwidth and low mutual coupling characteristics
Y Qian, WR Deal, N Kaneda, T Itoh
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. 1999 Digest …, 1999
Real-time 2.5 GS/s coherent optical receiver for 53.3-Gb/s sub-banded OFDM
N Kaneda, Q Yang, X Liu, S Chandrasekhar, W Shieh, YK Chen
Journal of lightwave technology 28 (4), 494-501, 2010
Real-time implementation of digital signal processing for coherent optical digital communication systems
A Leven, N Kaneda, S Corteselli
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 16 (5), 1227-1234, 2010
A real-time CMA-based 10 Gb/s polarization demultiplexing coherent receiver implemented in an FPGA
A Leven, N Kaneda, YK Chen
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OTuO2, 2008
Symbol timing recovery in polarization division multiplexed coherent optical transmission system
N Kaneda, AB Leven, S Weisser
US Patent 8,655,191, 2014
Coherent receivers for practical optical communication systems
A Leven, N Kaneda, UV Koc, YK Chen
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OThK4, 2007
A novel Yagi-Uda dipole array fed by a microstrip-to-CPS transition
N Kaneda, Y Qian, T Itoh
Asia Pacific Microwave Conf. Dig, 1413-1416, 1998
Serial 103.125-Gb/s transmission over 1 km SSMF for low-cost, short-reach optical interconnects
J Lee, N Kaneda, T Pfau, A Konczykowska, F Jorge, JY Dupuy, YK Chen
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th5A. 5, 2014
FLCS-PON–A 100 Gbit/s flexible passive optical network: Concepts and field trial
R Borkowski, M Straub, Y Ou, Y Lefevre, ŽL Jelić, W Lanneer, N Kaneda, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 39 (16), 5314-5324, 2021
Frequency estimation in an intradyne optical receiver
YK Chen, N Kaneda, UV Koc, AB Leven
US Patent 8,073,345, 2011
Method and apparatus for electronic equalization in optical communication systems
N Kaneda, UV Koc, KY Tu
US Patent 7,471,904, 2008
Transceiver technologies for passive optical networks: past, present, and future [Invited Tutorial]
V Houtsma, A Mahadevan, N Kaneda, D van Veen
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 13 (1), A44-A55, 2020
Multilayer planar tunable filter with very wide tuning bandwidth
JS Sun, N Kaneda, Y Baeyens, T Itoh, YK Chen
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 59 (11), 2864-2871, 2011
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Articles 1–20