Jihye Min, Ph.D.
Cited by
Cited by
Hope, Fear, and Consumer Behavioral Change amid COVID‐19: Application of Protection Motivation Theory
J Kim, K Yang, J Min, B White
International Journal of Consumer Studies 46 (2), 558-574, 2022
Effects of retailers’ service quality and legitimacy on behavioral intention: the role of emotions during COVID-19
K Yang, J Kim, J Min, AH Calderon
The Service Industries Journal 41 (1-2), 84-106, 2021
The influence of eWOM on intentions for booking luxury hotels by Generation Y
H Lee, J Min, J Yuan
Journal of Vacation Marketing 27 (3), 237-251, 2021
Who says what?: exploring the impacts of content type and blog type on brand credibility, brand similarity and eWOM intention
J Kim, R Melton, JE Min, BY Kim
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal 24 (4 …, 2020
CSR attributions and the moderating effect of perceived CSR fit on consumer trust, identification, and loyalty
J Min, J Kim, K Yang
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 72, 103274, 2023
Communication of food waste messages: The effects of communication modality, presentation order, and mindfulness on food waste reduction intention
N Olavarria-Key, A Ding, TS Legendre, J Min
International Journal of Hospitality Management 96, 102962, 2021
Post-stay email marketing implications for the hotel industry: Role of email features, attitude, revisit intention and leisure involvement level
K Yang, JH Min, K Garza-Baker
Journal of Vacation Marketing 25 (4), 405-417, 2019
The impact of disasters on a heritage tourist destination: A case study of Nepal earthquakes
J Min, B Kc, S Kim, J Lee
Sustainability 12 (15), 6115, 2020
The role of perceived vulnerability in restaurant customers’ co-creation behavior and repatronage intention during the COVID-19 pandemic
J Min, K Yang, J Kim
Journal of Vacation Marketing 28 (1), 38-51, 2022
How generations differ in coping with a pandemic: The case of restaurant industry
J Min, J Kim, K Yang
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 48 (September 2021), 280-288 …, 2021
Dark tourism segmentation by tourists’ motivations for visiting earthquake sites in Nepal: implications for dark tourism
J Min, K Yang, A ThapaMagar
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 26 (8), 866-878, 2021
Segmenting wildlife value orientations to mitigate human–wildlife conflict for ecotourism development in protected areas
B KC, J Min, C Serenari
Tourism Planning & Development,, 2022
Tourism well-being and transitioning island destinations for sustainable development
J Agrusa, C Linnes, J Lema, J Min, T Henthorne, H Itoga, H Lee
Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14 (1), 32, 2021
Improving casino performance through enhanced loyalty programs
JH Min, C Raab, S Tanford
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 25 (3), 372-394, 2016
Impacts of brand familiarity and brand responses on perceived brand credibility, similarity, and blog recommendation intention: a study of corporate blogs
J Kim, JE Min, LH Le
Journal Of Fashion Marketing And Management: An International Journal 26 (2 …, 2022
Connecting nature with luxury service
M Shin, RH Lee, JE Min, TS Legendre
Psychology and Marketing 40 (2), 300-316, 2023
The# MeToo movement in paradise: An assessment of the restaurant industry
J Min, H Lee, J Lema, J Agrusa, C Linnes
Journal of Foodservice Business Research 26 (4), 568-586, 2023
The tourism sector and US regional macroeconomic stability: A network approach
J Min, J Agrusa, J Lema, H Lee
Sustainability 12 (18), 7543, 2020
Curation subscription box services: Implications for the pet industry
M Jeong, K Yang, HJM Kim, J Min
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 76, 103573, 2024
Spillover impact of non-gaming amenities on gaming volumes
JH Min, H Lee, SC Blum
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 60 (3), 262-269, 2019
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Articles 1–20