Taekeun Yoon
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Cited by
Computational simulation of ice accretion and shedding trajectory of a rotorcraft in forward flight with strong rotor wakes
B Sengupta, LP Raj, MY Cho, C Son, T Yoon, K Yee, RS Myong
Aerospace Science and Technology 119, 107140, 2021
Deep learning-based denoising for fast time-resolved flame emission spectroscopy in high-pressure combustion environment
T Yoon, SW Kim, H Byun, Y Kim, CD Carter, H Do
Combustion and Flame 248, 112583, 2023
Novel calibration-free seedless velocimetry using laser-induced shockwave
J Bae, H Byun, T Yoon, CD Carter, H Do
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 126, 110384, 2021
Proper orthogonal decomposition of continuum-dominated emission spectra for simultaneous multi-property measurements
T Yoon, Y Kang, SW Kim, Y Park, K Yee, CD Carter, SD Hammack, H Do
Energy 254, 124458, 2022
Correction of local collection efficiency based on roughness element concept for glaze ice simulation
T Yoon, K Yee
Journal of Mechanics 36 (5), 607-622, 2020
Velocity measurements in a supersonic wind tunnel with a novel calibration-free seedless velocimetry utilizing laser-induced shockwaves and a double-line probe system
H Byun, J Bae, T Yoon, I Yang, S Lee, CD Carter, H Do
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 184, 122246, 2022
Detection of molecular oxygen using nanosecond-laser-induced plasma
SW Kim, J Choi, H Byun, T Yoon, CD Carter, H Do
Optics Express 31 (20), 32504-32515, 2023
Stabilization of Laser-induced Plasma on Turbulent Flame Boundaries with Electron Seeding
S Kim, J Choi, H Byun, T Yoon, H Do
2022 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 1-2, 2022
Design optimization of airfoil for wind turbine with respect to ice accretion
T Yoon, K Yee
31st Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 2018
Gas composition measurements in randomly distributed and fast moving gas bubbles in two-phase fluids
S Kim, J Choi, H Park, T Yoon, H Do
Optics Express 31 (9), 14255-14264, 2023
Effect of Synthetic Aviation Fuels on the Stochastic Ignition of Fuel Droplets on Hot Surfaces
G Vignat, Y Ma, JZ Ho, Y Cho, N Hashimoto, T Dinelli, T Yoon, C Fisher, ...
AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum, 0741, 2025
Stochastic ignition of fuel droplets impacting a hot surface: comparison of alkanes, conventional, and sustainable aviation fuels
G Vignat, Y Ma, JZ Ho, Y Cho, N Hashimoto, T Dinelli, T Yoon, C Fisher, ...
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2024
레이저 유도 플라즈마 분광 분석법을 이용한 수소-공기 당량비 정량 계측
윤태근, 변호성, 김선웅, 박유찬, 도형록
KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 논문집, 114-115, 2023
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy using modulated ns-laser pulses for multi-property measurements in high-pressure combustion environments
C Rubiella, T Yoon, S Kim, H Do
Combustion and Flame 255, 112941, 2023
Deep learning-based fast time-resolved flame emission spectroscopy in high-pressure combustion environment.
T Yoon, SW Kim, H Byun, Y Kim, CD Carter, H Do
CoRR, 2022
레이저 유도 플라즈마에서의 레이저 산란을 이용한 고압 평면 화염의 온도 계측
김선웅, 윤태근, 변호성, 도형록
한국추진공학회 학술대회논문집, 522-523, 2021
주성분 분석법을 이용한 고압 메탄-수소 화염의 화학자발광 연구
변호성, 윤태근, 김선웅, 도형록
한국추진공학회 학술대회논문집, 119-120, 2021
화염 자발광 스펙트럼의 적합직교분해 분석을 이용한 고압연소 계측
윤태근, 강유업, 김선웅, 박유천, 도형록
KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 논문집, 190-192, 2021
초음속 연소실 내 유동 속도 및 액상-기상 연료 분포 계측
차성익, 김남영, 변호성, 윤태근, 양인영, 이상훈, 도형록
한국추진공학회 학술대회논문집, 69-70, 2020
무격자 해석기법을 이용한 헬리콥터 로터 블레이드의 제자리 비행 수치해석
홍윤표, 윤태근, 허진영, 김규홍, 이관중
한국전산유체공학회 학술대회논문집, 154-155, 2018
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