Benjamin Rousseaux
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Cited by
Ultrastrong coupling between nanoparticle plasmons and cavity photons at ambient conditions
DG Baranov, B Munkhbat, E Zhukova, A Bisht, A Canales, B Rousseaux, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2715, 2020
Arbitrary qudit gates by adiabatic passage
B Rousseaux, S Guérin, NV Vitanov
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (3), 032328, 2013
Dressed states of a quantum emitter strongly coupled to a metal nanoparticle
H Varguet, B Rousseaux, D Dzsotján, HR Jauslin, S Guérin, ...
Optics letters 41 (19), 4480-4483, 2016
Adiabatic passage mediated by plasmons: A route towards a decoherence-free quantum plasmonic platform
B Rousseaux, D Dzsotjan, G Colas des Francs, HR Jauslin, C Couteau, ...
Physical Review B 93 (4), 045422, 2016
Quantum description and emergence of nonlinearities in strongly coupled single-emitter nanoantenna systems
B Rousseaux, DG Baranov, M Käll, T Shegai, G Johansson
Physical Review B 98 (4), 045435, 2018
Ultrastrong coupling of a single molecule to a plasmonic nanocavity: A first-principles study
M Kuisma, B Rousseaux, KM Czajkowski, TP Rossi, T Shegai, P Erhart, ...
ACS photonics 9 (3), 1065-1077, 2022
Mode-selective quantization and multimodal effective models for spherically layered systems
D Dzsotjan, B Rousseaux, HR Jauslin, GC des Francs, C Couteau, ...
Physical Review A 94 (2), 023818, 2016
Non-hermitian Hamiltonian description for quantum plasmonics: from dissipative dressed atom picture to Fano states
H Varguet, B Rousseaux, D Dzsotjan, HR Jauslin, S Guérin, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 52 (5), 055404, 2019
Quantum plasmonics with multi-emitters: application to stimulated Raman adiabatic passage
A Castellini, HR Jauslin, B Rousseaux, D Dzsotjan, G Colas des Francs, ...
The European Physical Journal D 72, 1-14, 2018
Strong coupling as an interplay of quantum emitter hybridization with plasmonic dark and bright modes
B Rousseaux, DG Baranov, TJ Antosiewicz, T Shegai, G Johansson
Physical Review Research 2, 033056, 2020
Semiclassical analysis of dark state transient dynamics in waveguide circuit QED
E Wiegand, B Rousseaux, G Johansson
Physical Review A 101 (3), 033801, 2020
Transmon in a semi-infinite high-impedance transmission line: Appearance of cavity modes and Rabi oscillations
E Wiegand, B Rousseaux, G Johansson
Physical Review Research 3, 023003, 2021
Erratum: Adiabatic passage mediated by plasmons: A route towards a decoherence-free quantum plasmonic platform [Phys. Rev. B 93, 045422 (2016)]
B Rousseaux, D Dzsotjan, G Colas des Francs, HR Jauslin, C Couteau, ...
Physical Review B 94 (19), 199902, 2016
Propagating single photons from an open cavity: Description from universal quantization
A Saharyan, B Rousseaux, Z Kis, S Stryzhenko, S Guérin
Physical Review Research 5, 033056, 2023
Phonon-mediated dark to bright plasmon conversion
B Rousseaux, Y Todorov, A Vasanelli, C Sirtori
Physical Review B 108, 125417, 2023
Control for quantum technologies at the nanoscale
B Rousseaux
Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2016
Unconventional saturation effects at intermediate drive in a lossy cavity coupled to few emitters
T Karmstrand, B Rousseaux, A Frisk Kockum, T Shegai, G Johansson
Physical Review A 108, 053706, 2023
Upper bounds on collective light-matter coupling strength with plasmonic meta-atoms
E Ryabkov, I Kharichkin, S Guzik, A Nekhocheninov, B Rousseaux, ...
Physical Review B 108, 075417, 2023
Production of photon states from Λ-atoms in a cavity
B Rousseaux, A Saharyan, Z Kis, S Guerin
Quantum emitter states dressed by the plasmon modes of a metal nanoparticle in the strong coupling regim
H Varguet, B Rousseaux, D Dzsotjan, HR Jauslin, GC des Francs, ...
European Quantum Electronics Conference, EG_P_16, 2017
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Articles 1–20