Vincenzo Aquilanti
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Molecular Beam Scattering of Aligned Oxygen Molecules. The Nature of the Bond in the O2−O2 Dimer
V Aquilanti, D Ascenzi, M Bartolomei, D Cappelletti, S Cavalli, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 121 (46), 10794-10802, 1999
Angular momentum coupling schemes in the quantum mechanical treatment of P‐state atom collisions
V Aquilanti, G Grossi
The Journal of Chemical Physics 73 (3), 1165-1172, 1980
Temperature dependence of chemical and biophysical rate processes: Phenomenological approach to deviations from Arrhenius law
V Aquilanti, KC Mundim, M Elango, S Kleijn, T Kasai
Chemical Physics Letters 498 (1-3), 209-213, 2010
Velocity dependence of collisional alignment of oxygen molecules in gaseous expansions
V Aquilanti, D Ascenzi, D Cappelletti, F Pirani
Nature 371 (6496), 399-402, 1994
Experimental benchmarks and phenomenology of interatomic forces: open-shell and electronic anisotropy effects
F Pirani, GS Maciel, D Cappelletti, V Aquilanti
International Reviews in Physical Chemistry 25 (1-2), 165-199, 2006
Hyperspherical coordinates for molecular dynamics by the method of trees and the mapping of potential energy surfaces for triatomic systems
V Aquilanti, S Cavalli, G Grossi
The Journal of chemical physics 85 (3), 1362-1375, 1986
Orienting and aligning molecules for stereochemistry and photodynamics
V Aquilanti, M Bartolomei, F Pirani, D Cappelletti, F Vecchiocattivi, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 7 (2), 291-300, 2005
Molecular beam studies of weak interactions of open-shell atoms: the ground and lowest excited states of rare-gas chlorides
V Aquilanti, D Cappelletti, V Lorent, E Luzzatti, F Pirani
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 97 (10), 2063-2071, 1993
Quantum Interference Scattering of Aligned Molecules: Bonding in and Role of Spin Coupling
V Aquilanti, D Ascenzi, M Bartolomei, D Cappelletti, S Cavalli, ...
Physical review letters 82 (1), 69, 1999
Orientational and spin–orbital dependence of interatomic forces
V Aquilanti, G Liuti, F Pirani, F Vecchiocattivi
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and …, 1989
Hyperquantization algorithm. I. Theory for triatomic systems
V Aquilanti, S Cavalli, D De Fazio
The Journal of chemical physics 109 (10), 3792-3804, 1998
Molecular beam studies of weak interactions for open‐shell systems: The ground and lowest excited states of rare gas oxides
V Aquilanti, R Candori, F Pirani
The Journal of chemical physics 89 (10), 6157-6164, 1988
Coordinates for molecular dynamics: Orthogonal local systems
V Aquilanti, S Cavalli
The Journal of chemical physics 85 (3), 1355-1361, 1986
Molecular beam studies of weak interactions for open‐shell systems: The ground and lowest excited states of ArF, KrF, and XeF
V Aquilanti, E Luzzatti, F Pirani, GG Volpi
The Journal of chemical physics 89 (10), 6165-6175, 1988
The d-dimensional hydrogen atom: hyperspherical harmonics as momentum space orbitals and alternative Sturmian basis sets
V Aquilanti, S Cavalli, C Coletti
Chemical Physics 214 (1), 1-13, 1997
Uniform description of non-Arrhenius temperature dependence of reaction rates, and a heuristic criterion for quantum tunneling vs classical non-extensive distribution
VHC Silva, V Aquilanti, HCB de Oliveira, KC Mundim
Chemical Physics Letters 590, 201-207, 2013
Orientation of benzene in supersonic expansions, probed by IR-laser absorption and by molecular beam scattering
F Pirani, D Cappelletti, M Bartolomei, V Aquilanti, M Scotoni, M Vescovi, ...
Physical review letters 86 (22), 5035, 2001
The two‐state linear curve crossing problems revisited. I. Analysis of Stokes phenomenon and expressions for scattering matrices
C Zhu, H Nakamura, N Re, V Aquilanti
The Journal of chemical physics 97 (3), 1892-1904, 1992
Magnetic Analysis of Supersonic Beams of Atomic Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Chlorine Generated from a Radio‐Frequency Discharge
M Alagia, V Aquilanti, D Ascenzi, N Balucani, D Cappelletti, L Cartechini, ...
Israel journal of chemistry 37 (4), 329-342, 1997
Range and strength of interatomic forces: dispersion and induction contributions to the bonds of dications and of ionic molecules
V Aquilanti, D Cappelletti, F Pirani
Chemical Physics 209 (2-3), 299-311, 1996
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Articles 1–20