Ayten Dizkirici Tekpinar
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Cited by
Utility of various molecular markers in fungal identification and phylogeny
AD Tekpinar, A Kalmer
Nova Hedwigia 109 (1-2), 187-224, 2019
Fungal systematics and evolution: FUSE 6
D Haelewaters, B Dima, AII Abdel-Hafiz, MA Abdel-Wahab, SR Abul-Ezz, ...
Verlag Ferdinand Berger, 2020
Molecular phylogeny of Muscari (Asparagaceae) inferred from cpDNA sequences
A Dizkirici, O Yigit, M Pinar, H Eroglu
Biologia 74, 205-214, 2019
Suillellus amygdalinus, a new species record for Turkey from Hakkari Province
İ Acar, Y Uzun, A Keleş, AD Tekpınar
Anatolian Journal of Botany 3 (1), 25-27, 2019
Morphology and phylogeny reveal a new record Gyromitra for Turkish mycobiota
A Dizkırıcı, İ Acar, A Kalmer, Y Uzun
Mantar Dergisi 9 (2), 176-181, 2018
Phylogenetic relationships among native Oxytropis species in Turkey using the trnL intron, trnL-F IGS, and trnV intron cpDNA regions
A Tekpinar, SK Erkul, Z Aytac, Z Kaya
Turkish Journal of Botany 40 (5), 472-479, 2016
Phylogenetic relationships between Oxytropis DC. and Astragalus L. species native to an Old World diversity center inferred from nuclear ribosomal ITS and plastid matK gene …
A Tekpinar, SK Erkul, Z Aytac, Z Kaya
Turkish Journal of Biology 40 (1), 250-263, 2016
Comparative molecular phylogenetics of Astragalus L. sections from Turkey with New World Astragalus species using nrDNA ITS sequences
A Dizkirici, M Ekici, Z Kaya
Plant systematics and evolution 300, 163-175, 2014
Phylogeography and phylogeny of genus Quercus L. (Fagaceae) in Turkey implied by variations of trnT(UGU)-L(UAA)-F (GAA) chloroplast DNA region
AD Tekpinar, C Aktaş, Ç Kansu, H Duman, Z Kaya
Tree Genetics & Genomes 17, 1-18, 2021
Phylogeny of some Melanoleuca species (Fungi: Basidiomycota) in Turkey and identification of Melanoleuca angelesiana AH Sm. as a first record
A Kalmer, İ Acar, AD Tekpınar
Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 18 (3), 314-326, 2018
A molecular phylogeny of Salvia euphratica sensu lato (Salvia L., Lamiaceae) and its closely related species with a focus on the section Hymenosphace
A Dizkirici, F Celep, C Kansu, A Kahraman, M Dogan, Z Kaya
Plant systematics and evolution 301, 2313-2323, 2015
Phylogenetic relationships and taxonomical positions of two new records Melanoleuca species from Hakkari province, Turkey
İ Acar, A Dizkırıcı Tekpınar, A Kalmer, Y Uzun
Biological Diversity and Conservation 10 (3), 58-93, 2017
Phylogenetic and taxonomic studies on Cortinarius caerulescens (Schaeff.) Fr. a new record for Turkish mycota
A Kalmer, İ Acar, AD Tekpınar
Mantar Dergisi 10 (1), 8-16, 2019
Molecular phylogeny of Triticum and Aegilops genera based on ITS and MatK sequence data
A Dizkirici, C Kansu, S Onde
Pak. J. Bot 48 (1), 143-153, 2016
Phylogenetic relationships among Triticum L. and Aegilops L. species as genome progenitors of bread wheat based on sequence diversity in trnT-F region of …
A Dizkirici, C Kansu, S Onde, M Birsin, M Özgen, Z Kaya
Genetic resources and crop evolution 60, 2227-2240, 2013
Microsatellite (SSR) variation in barley germplasm and its potential use for marker assisted selection in scald resistance breeding
A Dizkirici, HE Guren, S Onde, F Temel, T Akar, H Budak, Z Kaya
International Journal of Integrative Biology 4 (1), 9-15, 2008
Fast and efficient purification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA dependent RNA polymerase complex expressed in Escherichia coli
C Madru, AD Tekpinar, S Rosario, D Czernecki, S Brule, L Sauguet, ...
PLoS One 16 (4), e0250610, 2021
A new record for Turkish mycobiota from Selim (Kars) district
İ Acar, Y Uzun, A Kalmer, A Dizkırıcı, Y Öğün
Mantar Dergisi 12 (1), 65-70, 2021
Barley germplasms developed for scald disease resistance exhibited a high level of genetic diversity based on SRAP markers
A Dizkirici, Z Kaya, H GÜREN, H Budak
Turkish Journal of Biology 34 (3), 271-279, 2010
Agaricus micromegethus, a new record for Turkish Mycobiota
İ Acar, A Dizkırıcı
Anatolian Journal of Botany 7 (2), 128-130, 2023
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Articles 1–20