Wilson Araújo Lopes
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Cited by
Biodiesel: an overview
AC Pinto, LLN Guarieiro, MJC Rezende, NM Ribeiro, EA Torres, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 16, 1313-1330, 2005
Esquema para interpretação de espectros de substâncias orgânicas na região do infravermelho
WA Lopes, M Fascio
Química nova 27, 670-673, 2004
Solubilidade das substâncias orgânicas
CR Martins, WA Lopes, JB Andrade
Química nova 36, 1248-1255, 2013
Fontes, formação, reatividade e quantificação de hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPA) na atmosfera
WA Lopes, JB Andrade
Química Nova 19 (5), 497-516, 1996
Atmospheric concentrations and dry deposition fluxes of particulate trace metals in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
PAP Pereira, WA Lopes, LS Carvalho, GO da Rocha, ...
Atmospheric Environment 41 (36), 7837-7850, 2007
Ciclos globais de carbono, nitrogênio e enxofre
CR Martins, PAP Pereira, WA Lopes, JB Andrade
Cadernos temáticos de química nova na escola 5, 28-41, 2003
Characterization of Brazilian oil shale byproducts planned for use as soil conditioners for food and agro-energy production
J Nicolini, BF Pereira, CN Pillon, VG Machado, WA Lopes, JB de Andrade, ...
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 90 (2), 112-117, 2011
Quantification and source identification of atmospheric particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their dry deposition fluxes at three sites in Salvador Basin, Brazil …
GO Rocha, WA Lopes, PA Pereira, PC Vasconcellos, FS Oliveira, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 20, 680-692, 2009
Effects of different biomass drying and lipid extraction methods on algal lipid yield, fatty acid profile, and biodiesel quality
J Hussain, Y Liu, WA Lopes, JI Druzian, CO Souza, GC Carvalho, ...
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 175, 3048-3057, 2015
Fontes, formação, reatividade e determinação de quinonas na atmosfera
ET Sousa, WA Lopes, JB Andrade
Química Nova 39 (4), 486-495, 2016
Determination of free (unconjugated) amphetamine-type stimulants in urine samples by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction and gas chromatography coupled to mass …
RL Cunha, WA Lopes, PAP Pereira
Microchemical Journal 125, 230-235, 2016
Biodiesel: an overview
CP Angelo, LNG Lilian, JCR Michelle, MR Nubia, AT Ednildo, AL Wilson, ...
J. Braz. Chem. Soc 16 (1), 313-1, 2005
Flow chart for infrared spectra interpretation of organic compounds
WA Lopes, M Fascio
Química Nova 27, 670-673, 2004
Determinação de cafeína em bebidas através de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE)
JB Andrade, HLC Pinheiro, WA Lopes, S Martins, AMM Amorim, ...
Quim Nova 18 (4), 379-81, 1995
de P. Pereira PA, de Andrade JB Biodiesel: an overview
AC Pinto, LLN Guarieiro, MJC Rezende, NM Ribeiro, EA Torres, ...
J. Braz. Chem. Soc 16, 1313-1330, 2005
Synthesis of new tetracyclic derivatives of 10H-phenoxazine, 10, 11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo [b, f] azepine, and (9) 10Hacridinone through isatinic intermediates
LC Sequeira, AL Pereira, AC Pinto
J. Braz. Chem. Soc 4, 34-39, 1993
Organic compound solubility
CR Martins, WA Lopes, JB Andrade
Quimica Nova 36, 1248-1255, 2013
Phytomedicinal studies of Kurram agency in the federally administered tribal areas (FATA) of Pakistan
W Hussain, J Hussain, R Ali, S Hussain, MA Khan, I Khan, ...
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 2 (10), 081-085, 2012
Electrochemical reduction potentials of 1-nitropyrene, 9-nitroanthracene, 6-nitrochrysene and 3-nitrofluoranthene and their correlation with direct-acting mutagenicities
WA Lopes, PAP Pereira, H Viertler, JB Andrade
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 16, 1099-1103, 2005
Sources, formation, reactivity and quantification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in atmosphere
WA Lopes, JB Deandrade
Quimica Nova 19 (5), 497-516, 1996
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Articles 1–20