Steve Wright
Steve Wright
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Cited by
Technologies for learning? An actor-network theory critique of ‘affordances’ in research on mobile learning.
S Wright, G Parchoma
Research in Learning Technology 19 (3), 2011
Exploring actor-network theory and CAQDAS
S Wright
10.14279/depositonce-5079, 2016
Mobile Learning and Immutable Mobiles: Using iPhones to Support Informal Learning in Craft Brewing
S Wright, G Parchoma
The Design, Experience and Practice of Networked Learning, 241-261, 2014
Mobile learning and immutable mobiles: Using iPhones to support informal learning in craft breweries
S Wright, G Parchoma
8th International Networked Learning Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands …, 2012
Accounting for taste: Conversation, Categorisation and Certification in the Sensory Assessment of Craft Brewing
ST Wright
Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University, UK, 2014
Literature reviews on the move: Using the ATLAS. ti APP to support and enhance your literature reviews
S Wright
Retrieved, 2014
Looking for black cats and lessons from Charlie: exploring the potential of public click pedagogy (February 2014 version of Working paper)
C Bigum, L Rowan, S Wright, M Hamilton, A Haxell
Updated 8th April, 2014
Supporting creativity in craft brewing: a case study of iPhone use in the transition from novice towards mastery
S Wright, B Short, G Parchoma
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL) 5 (3), 52-67, 2013
Looking for black cats and lessons from Charlie: exploring the potential of public click pedagogy
C Bigum, L Rowan, M Hamilton, S Wright, A Haxell
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Networked Learning …, 2014
Teaching-led research?: Exploring the digital agencies of software in qualitative research
ST Wright, IUH Bhatt
Lancaster University, 2016
Testing Tasting: methods assemblages in an online exam
S Wright
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Networked Learning, Edinburgh, 2014
Accounting for taste: conversation, categorisation and classification in sensory judging.
S Wright
3rd Lancaster Science and Technology Studies PhD Mini-Conference, 2013
Automating insights: Analysing the National Student Survey data using NVivo
S Wright
Analysing Student Feedback in Higher Education, 19-36, 2021
Learn How to Extract Data for Systematic Review in ATLAS. ti Using Data From DEPI Systematic Review
S Wright
SAGE Publications Inc., 2023
Automating insights
S Wright
Analysing Student Feedback in Higher Education: Using Text-Mining to …, 2021
Assessing Quality in Craft Beer: Style Guides and Taste Descriptions in Beer Judging Practice
S Wright
Researching Craft Beer: Understanding Production, Community and Culture in …, 2021
Eden Vision: Analysis and Insight: An independent review of the evidence gathered during the Autumn 2018 Eden District Council public engagement exercise
CJ Ford, S Wright, I Convery, D Smith, G Heron
Case Studies in ATLAS. ti
S Wright
Why merge codes?
S Wright
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Articles 1–19