Jeremie Palacci
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Cited by
Living crystals of light-activated colloidal surfers
J Palacci, S Sacanna, AP Steinberg, DJ Pine, PM Chaikin
Science 339 (6122), 936-940, 2013
Dynamic clustering in active colloidal suspensions with chemical signaling
I Theurkauff, C Cottin-Bizonne, J Palacci, C Ybert, L Bocquet
Physical review letters 108 (26), 268303, 2012
Sedimentation and effective temperature of active colloidal suspensions
J Palacci, C Cottin-Bizonne, C Ybert, L Bocquet
Physical Review Letters 105 (8), 088304, 2010
Hydrodynamic capture of microswimmers into sphere-bound orbits
D Takagi, J Palacci, AB Braunschweig, MJ Shelley, J Zhang
Soft Matter 10 (11), 1784-1789, 2014
Targeted assembly and synchronization of self-spinning microgears
A Aubret, M Youssef, S Sacanna, J Palacci
Nature Physics 14 (11), 1114-1118, 2018
Photoactivated colloidal dockers for cargo transportation
J Palacci, S Sacanna, A Vatchinsky, PM Chaikin, DJ Pine
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (43), 15978-15981, 2013
Colloidal motility and pattern formation under rectified diffusiophoresis
J Palacci, B Abécassis, C Cottin-Bizonne, C Ybert, L Bocquet
Physical review letters 104 (13), 138302, 2010
Light-activated self-propelled colloids
J Palacci, S Sacanna, SH Kim, GR Yi, DJ Pine, PM Chaikin
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2014
Artificial rheotaxis
J Palacci, S Sacanna, A Abramian, J Barral, K Hanson, AY Grosberg, ...
Science advances 1 (4), e1400214, 2015
Ionic solids from common colloids
T Hueckel, GM Hocky, J Palacci, S Sacanna
Nature 580 (7804), 487-490, 2020
Dynamic self-assembly of microscale rotors and swimmers
MSD Wykes, J Palacci, T Adachi, L Ristroph, X Zhong, MD Ward, J Zhang, ...
Soft Matter 12 (20), 4584-4589, 2016
Osmotic traps for colloids and macromolecules based on logarithmic sensing in salt taxis
J Palacci, C Cottin-Bizonne, C Ybert, L Bocquet
Soft Matter 8 (4), 980-994, 2012
Activity-controlled annealing of colloidal monolayers
S Ramananarivo, E Ducrot, J Palacci
Nature communications 10 (1), 1-8, 2019
Trochoidal trajectories of self-propelled Janus particles in a diverging laser beam
H Moyses, J Palacci, S Sacanna, DG Grier
Soft Matter 12 (30), 6357-6364, 2016
Metamachines of pluripotent colloids
A Aubret, Q Martinet, J Palacci
Nature communications 12 (1), 1-9, 2021
Eppur si muove, and yet it moves: Patchy (phoretic) swimmers
A Aubret, S Ramananarivo, J Palacci
Current opinion in colloid & interface science 30, 81-89, 2017
Unconventional colloidal aggregation in chiral bacterial baths
D Grober, I Palaia, MC Uçar, E Hannezo, A Šarić, J Palacci
Nature Physics, 1-9, 2023
Diffusiophoretic design of self-spinning microgears from colloidal microswimmers
A Aubret, J Palacci
Soft matter 14 (47), 9577-9588, 2018
Rapid characterization of neutral polymer brush with a conventional zetameter and a variable pinch of salt
M Youssef, A Morin, A Aubret, S Sacanna, J Palacci
Soft Matter 16 (17), 4274-4282, 2020
Manipulation of colloids by osmotic forces
J Palacci
Université Claude Bernard-Lyon I, 2010
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Articles 1–20