Bjørn Smestad
Cited by
Cited by
Prospective teachers navigating intersecting communities of practice: early school placement
Y Solomon, E Eriksen, B Smestad, C Rodal, AH Bjerke
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 2015
Teachers’ conceptions of history of mathematics
B Smestad
Retrieved on, 2008
Teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching in relation to the inclusion of history of mathematics in teaching
B Smestad, UT Jankvist, K Clark
Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education 19 (3-4), 169-183, 2014
History of mathematics in Norwegian textbooks (ICME 9, Tokyo)
B Smestad
Smestad, Bjørn: Matematikkdidaktiske småskriv 2001, 1999
Examining dimensions of teachers’ digital competence: A systematic review pre-and during COVID-19
B Smestad, OE Hatlevik, M Johannesen, L Øgrim
Heliyon 9 (6), 2023
LGBT Issues in Norwegian Textbooks: Shared or Fragmented Responsibility?
B Smestad
Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE) 2 (4), 4-20, 2018
Matematikkhistorie i grunnskolens lærebøker: En kritisk vurdering
B Smestad
HIF-rapport (online). Alta: Høgskolen i Finnmark, Avdeling for nærings-og …, 2002
Tall og tanke: matematikkundervisning på 5. til 7. trinn: 2 (Vol. 2:)
IH Solem, B Alseth, E Eriksen, B Smestad, E Ødegaard, E Vetlesen, ...
Gyldendal akademisk, 2017
Historical topics in Norwegian textbooks
B Smestad
Study the Masters: The Abel-Fauvel Conference, 153-168, 2003
History of Mathematics for Primary School Teacher Education Or: Can You Do Something Even if You Can't Do Much?
B Smestad
Recent Developments on Introducing a Historical Dimension in Mathematics …, 2011
History of mathematics in the TIMSS 1999 video study
B Smestad
Proceedings HPM, 278-283, 2004
A Taxonomy as a Vehicle for Learning
C Brodahl, B Smestad
Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects 5 (1), 111-127, 2009
Dimensions of teachers’ transdisciplinary competence based on a systematic review of three transdisciplinary areas
B Smestad, A Gillespie
Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education 4 (3), 117-138, 2020
Hvilke fag får GLU-studentene kompetanse i?–En analyse av grunnskolelærerstudentenes studiepoengproduksjon 2012/13
B Smestad
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift 98 (2), 140-148, 2014
A tripartite cooperation? The challenges of school-university collaboration in mathematics teacher education in Norway
AH Bjerke, E Eriksen, C Rodal, B Smestad, Y Solomon
PME, 2013
Theorising mathematics teaching: Pre-service teachers’ perceptions before and during school placement
AH Bjerke, E Eriksen, C Rodal, B Smestad, Y Solomon
Tapir, 2013
Geometriaktiviteter i lys av van Hieles teorier
B Smestad
Relationship between birth month and mathematics performance in Norway
AH Bjerke, B Smestad, E Eriksen, A Rognes
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 66 (6), 1038-1048, 2022
Masteroppgaver og profesjonsrelevans i pedagogikk, matematikk og kroppsøving
K Skagen, K Løndal, B Kleve, B Smestad
Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis 12 (3), 7-27, 2018
På prøve: Evaluering av matematikkeksamen på 10. trinn våren 2017
S Andresen, A Fossum, J Rogstad, B Smestad
FAFO, 2017
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Articles 1–20