Luca Carpi
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Cited by
Coastal exposure assessment on Bonassola bay
L Mucerino, M Albarella, L Carpi, G Besio, A Benedetti, N Corradi, M Firpo, ...
Ocean & coastal management 167, 20-31, 2019
A geomorphological and hydrodynamic approach for beach safety and sea bathing risk estimation
M Ferrari, L Carpi, G Pepe, L Mucerino, CF Schiaffino, M Brignone, ...
Science of The Total Environment 671, 1214-1226, 2019
Detached breakwaters, yes or not? A modelling approach to evaluate and plan their removal
L Carpi, M Bicenio, L Mucerino, M Ferrari
Ocean & Coastal Management 210, 105668, 2021
Rip current hazard assessment on a sandy beach in Liguria, NW Mediterranean
L Mucerino, L Carpi, CF Schiaffino, E Pranzini, E Sessa, M Ferrari
Natural hazards 105, 137-156, 2021
Sea-level change and the supralittoral environment: Potential impact on a splashpool habitat on the Ligurian coast (NW Mediterranean)
G Bonello, L Carpi, L Mucerino, M Grillo, M Ferrari
Journal of Biological Research-Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia …, 2022
Rip currents investigation on a Ligurian pocket beach, NW Mediterranean
L Carpi, L Mucerino, G Bonello, G Besio, M Ferrari
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 262, 107579, 2021
The role of Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) in the vertical microplastic transfer: A plankton-benthos linkage laboratory protocol
G Bonello, L Zanetti, L Carpi, L Mucerino, L Pane
Food Webs 27, e00189, 2021
MAREGOT project experience: Integrated approach to understanding coastal dynamics behaviour
L Carpi, L Mucerino, G Besio, N Corradi, M Ferrari
Proceedings of the 2019 IMEKO TC19 International Workshop on Metrology for …, 2019
A Rapid Method to Identify the Effects of Coastal Artificialization on Posidonia oceanica Meadows in Coves
M Ferrari, L Carpi, M Montefalcone
Estuaries and Coasts 48 (1), 16, 2025
Correction to: Rip current hazard assessment on a sandy beach in Liguria, NW Mediterranean
M Luigi, C Luca, CF Schiafno, P Enzo, S Eleonora, M Ferrari
Natural hazards 105 (1), 157-157, 2021
Assessment of a geomorphological-based design for coastal protection: The case of a wave-cut platform on the Bogliasco coast (Liguria Region, NW Italy)
L Carpi, L Mucerino, M Ferrari
Regional Studies in Marine Science 78, 103747, 2024
Rip currents in Mediterranean environment: a case study along eastern Ligurian coast
L Carpi
Università degli studi di Genova, 2019
Beach Safety: applicazione della modellistica numerica per la valutazione della pericolosità del moto ondoso
L Carpi, L Mucerino, G Pepe, A Cevasco, N Corradi, M Firpo, M Ferrari
Individuazione delle rip currents: sviluppo, validazione e valutazione mediante l’utilizzo di modello numerico e immagini video-derivate
L Carpi
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Articles 1–14