Roberto  J. Avena-Bustillos
Roberto J. Avena-Bustillos
Research Agricultural Engineer, Western Regional Research Center, ARS, USDA
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Hydrophilic edible films: modified procedure for water vapor permeability and explanation of thickness effects
TH McHugh, R Avena‐Bustillos, JM Krochta
Journal of food science 58 (4), 899-903, 1993
Recent advances on edible films based on fruits and vegetables—a review
CG Otoni, RJ Avena‐Bustillos, HMC Azeredo, MV Lorevice, MR Moura, ...
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 16 (5), 1151-1169, 2017
Nanocomposite edible films from mango puree reinforced with cellulose nanofibers
HMC Azeredo, LHC Mattoso, D Wood, TG Williams, RJ Avena‐Bustillos, ...
Journal of food science 74 (5), N31-N35, 2009
Apple puree-alginate edible coating as carrier of antimicrobial agents to prolong shelf-life of fresh-cut apples
MA Rojas-Graü, RM Raybaudi-Massilia, RC Soliva-Fortuny, ...
Postharvest biology and Technology 45 (2), 254-264, 2007
Effects of plant essential oils and oil compounds on mechanical, barrier and antimicrobial properties of alginate–apple puree edible films
MA Rojas-Graü, RJ Avena-Bustillos, C Olsen, M Friedman, PR Henika, ...
Journal of food Engineering 81 (3), 634-641, 2007
Improved barrier and mechanical properties of novel hydroxypropyl methylcellulose edible films with chitosan/tripolyphosphate nanoparticles
MR de Moura, FA Aouada, RJ Avena-Bustillos, TH McHugh, JM Krochta, ...
Journal of Food Engineering 92 (4), 448-453, 2009
Nanocellulose reinforced chitosan composite films as affected by nanofiller loading and plasticizer content
HMC Azeredo, LHC Mattoso, RJ Avena‐Bustillos, GC Filho, ML Munford, ...
Journal of Food Science 75 (1), N1-N7, 2010
Water vapor permeability of caseinate‐based edible films as affected by pH, calcium crosslinking and lipid content
Journal of food science 58 (4), 904-907, 1993
Trends in antimicrobial food packaging systems: Emitting sachets and absorbent pads
CG Otoni, PJP Espitia, RJ Avena-Bustillos, TH McHugh
Food Research International 83, 60-73, 2016
Water vapor permeability of mammalian and fish gelatin films
RJ Avena‐Bustillos, CW Olsen, DA Olson, B Chiou, E Yee, PJ Bechtel, ...
Journal of food science 71 (4), E202-E207, 2006
Mechanical, barrier, and antimicrobial properties of apple puree edible films containing plant essential oils
MA Rojas-Graü, RJ Avena-Bustillos, M Friedman, PR Henika, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54 (24), 9262-9267, 2006
Cold water fish gelatin films: Effects of cross-linking on thermal, mechanical, barrier, and biodegradation properties
BS Chiou, RJ Avena-Bustillos, PJ Bechtel, H Jafri, R Narayan, SH Imam, ...
European Polymer Journal 44 (11), 3748-3753, 2008
Effects of allspice, cinnamon, and clove bud essential oils in edible apple films on physical properties and antimicrobial activities
WX Du, CW Olsen, RJ Avena‐Bustillos, TH McHugh, CE Levin, ...
Journal of Food Science 74 (7), M372-M378, 2009
Rheological and mechanical properties of cross-linked fish gelatins
BS Chiou, RJ Avena-Bustillos, J Shey, E Yee, PJ Bechtel, SH Imam, ...
Polymer 47 (18), 6379-6386, 2006
Storage stability and antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli O157: H7 of carvacrol in edible apple films made by two different casting methods
WX Du, CW Olsen, RJ Avena-Bustillos, TH McHugh, CE Levin, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 (9), 3082-3088, 2008
A two-step process for biodiesel production from salmon oil
HM El-Mashad, R Zhang, RJ Avena-Bustillos
Biosystems Engineering 99 (2), 220-227, 2008
Composite edible films based on hydroxypropyl methylcellulose reinforced with microcrystalline cellulose nanoparticles
C Bilbao-Sáinz, RJ Avena-Bustillos, DF Wood, TG Williams, TH McHugh
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 58 (6), 3753-3760, 2010
Mechanical and water barrier properties of isolated soy protein composite edible films as affected by carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde micro and nanoemulsions
CG Otoni, RJ Avena-Bustillos, CW Olsen, C Bilbao-Sáinz, TH McHugh
Food Hydrocolloids 57, 72-79, 2016
Application of casein-lipid edible film emulsions to reduce white blush on minimally processed carrots
RJ Avena-Bustillos, LA Cisneros-Zevallos, JM Krochta, ME Saltveit Jr
Postharvest Biology and Technology 4 (4), 319-329, 1994
Study of combined effects of glycerol and transglutaminase on properties of gelatin films
F Liu, BS Chiou, RJ Avena-Bustillos, Y Zhang, Y Li, TH McHugh, F Zhong
Food hydrocolloids 65, 1-9, 2017
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