S.Sridevi Sathya Priya
S.Sridevi Sathya Priya
Assistant Professor of ECE
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FPGA implementation of hardware architecture with AES encryptor using sub-pipelined S-box techniques for compact applications
C Arul Murugan, P Karthigaikumar, S Sathya Priya
Automatika: časopis za automatiku, mjerenje, elektroniku, računarstvo i …, 2020
An efficient hardware architecture for high throughput AES encryptor using MUX based sub pipelined S-box
SS Priya, P Karthigaikumar, NM Siva Mangai, P Kirti Gaurav Das
Wireless personal communications 94, 2259-2273, 2017
FPGA implementation of AES algorithm for high speed applications
SSS Priya, P Karthigaikumar, NR Teja
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 1-11, 2022
Design and evaluation of XOR arbiter physical unclonable function and its implementation on FPGA in hardware security applications
R Naveenkumar, NM Sivamangai, A Napolean, SSS Priya
Journal of Electronic Testing 38 (6), 653-666, 2022
FPGA implementation of efficient AES encryption
SSS Priya, PK Kumar, NM SivaMangai, V Rejula
2015 International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and …, 2015
Classification of EEG signals using Machine learning algorithms
S Suganyadevi, SS Priya, B Kiruba, M Gomathi, JN Kalshetty
2022 IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon), 1-6, 2022
Smart healthcare in IoT using convolutional based cyber physical system
S Suganyadevi, SS Priya, R Menaha, S Sathiya, P Jha
2022 IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon), 1-6, 2022
Mixed random 128 bit key using finger print features and binding key for AES algorithm
SSS Priya, P Karthigaikumar, NMS Mangai
2014 International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics …, 2014
High throughput AES algorithm using parallel subbytes and mixcolumn
S Sridevi Sathya Priya, P Karthigaikumar, NM Sivamangai, V Rejula
Wireless Personal Communications 95, 1433-1449, 2017
Design of efficient 16-bit vedic multiplier
KKS Chowdary, K Mourya, SR Teja, GS Babu, SSS Priya
2021 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication …, 2021
Design and implementation of DNA based cryptographic algorithm
AS Pradeeksha, SS Sathyapriya
2020 5th International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS …, 2020
Implementation of Efficient Mix Column Transformation for AES encryption
JM S.Sridevi Sathya Priya, SJS Lavanya. A
2018 4th International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS …, 2018
Generation of 128-Bit blended key for AES algorithm
SSS Priya, P Karthigaikumar, NM SivaMangai
Emerging ICT for Bridging the Future-Proceedings of the 49th Annual …, 2015
Design and implementation of low power advanced encryption standard S-Box using pass transistor XOR-AND logic
MA Christy, SSS Priya, NMS Mangai, P Karthigaikumar
2014 International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems …, 2014
A non linear equation based cryptosystem for image encryption and decryption
R Mitter, MSS Priya
2012 International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Electrical …, 2012
Two stage class ab op-amp for video applications
B Jose, L Jose, RS Kiruba, PM Ekka, SSS Priya
2019 3rd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics …, 2019
Plagiarism detection in source code using Machine Learning
S Priya, A Dixit, K Das, R Harish
International journal of engineering and advanced technology, 8,898-900, 2019
Multiplexer based high throughput S-box for AES application
SSS Priya, KG Das, NM SivaMangai, PK Kumar
2015 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems …, 2015
Analysis of Various Visual Cryptographic Techniques and Their Issues Based on Optimization Algorithms
AS Sajitha, SSS Priya
International Journal of Image and Graphics 23 (06), 2350059, 2023
Detection and Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Pretrained Deep Neural Networks
SSS Priya
2023 International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology …, 2023
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Articles 1–20